
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies News

Parrish Library Database of the Week: Plunkett Research

October 9th, 2015

Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Parrish Library. Each of these weekly snapshots will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This week’s database is Plunkett Research brought to you by Jack W. Plunkett, CEO & Publisher of Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: Plunkett Research offers company, industry, and corporate information.

Search:  Search by industry, company or by major industry groups such as banking, computers, or retail. Although Plunkett Research is a good resource for current information about companies and industries, what sets it apart from other market research databases is the section called Job Seeker Resources & Tools. This makes Plunkett Research one of the key resources for students on the CareerWiki. The Job Seeker section has links to information on how to apply for jobs online, job search sites and more.

Click here to see the basics of searching Plunkett Research Online, or try our Guide on the Side with this link.

Why you should know this database:  Plunkett Research company reports include international, middle market, and private sectors. They have the expected elements such as financials and a list of competitors, and offer quick guides for specific job hunts such as Law Firms or Sales. Industry reports have separate sections on trends, statistics, and associations.

How this will help students:  Plunkett Research searching is simple, and the industry and company reports are concise and up-to-date. Job-seeking students can compile a list of contacts in the industry of choice.

Cost: $7,600.00 paid annually by Purdue University Libraries.


Database of the Week comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact  Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this weekly feature.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to or