
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies News

MEL’s Database of the Week for 7/29/11

August 1st, 2011

Database of the Week is a feature from the Management & Economics Library (MEL).  These weekly database snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources.

Database name: ABI/INFORM Global, from Proquest.

Link:, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha list right below the Libraries’ search box.

Description/focus: ABI/INFORM Global is one of the most comprehensive business databases, covering over 3000 publications. It includes scholarly journals, trade journals, and non-periodical content such as EIU ViewsWire, Business Dissertations, and Business Cases.

Start with this hint: A few months ago, Proquest changed the interface for all of their databases.  The ABI/INFORM Global Basic Search treats your search terms as keywords. You can switch to Advanced Search and narrow your results by limiting to title or subject. You may also want to see your search executed in other Proquest databases.  Click on ABI/INFORM Complete, then enter your term.  If the full text of an article is not an option, the icon Find It @ Purdue Libraries that appears in the citations will lead you to the full text in another database. See a short demo of these instructions for ABI/Inform.

Why you should know this database: Almost all of our Subject Guides and classroom instruction sessions include ABI/INFORM Global as a recommended database for articles.  Once you are satisfied with your search statement, one click turns it into an RSS feed.

How this database can be integrated into the curriculum: ABI/INFORM Global gives researchers at all levels easy access to business and financial information, with the capability to narrow the search to scholarly journals, trade publications, or dissertations.

Cost: For information about the Libraries’ subscription, contact Mary Dugan.


Database of the Week comes to you from the Management & Economics Library (MEL). Our intent is to give you a brief introduction to a database that you may not know.  If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact  Database of the Week is archived  at  For more Purdue Libraries news, follow us on Twitter (@PurdueLibraries).

If you want to suggest a database for Database of the Week, send an email to