
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies News

Parrish Library’s Database of the Week for 8/12/11

August 15th, 2011

Welcome to Database of the Week — a feature from the Management & Economics Library (MEL). These database snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources.

This Week’s Featured Database: CareerBeam, from CareerBeam.

Link:, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha list right below the Libraries’ search box, shown in this short clip..  CareerBeam is also available at the CareerWiki in the sections for Career GuidesEmployer Research, and Interview & Resume.

Description/focus: CareerBeam offers guidance at all steps of the job-seeking process.

Start with this hint: CareerBeam requires registration with an email address and password so that the personalized career tools are stored and accessible at any time.  Click here to see the most popular features of CareerBeam.  The exercises that give feedback on personal traits such as values, temperament, interests, and others can provide the user with a Career Profile Report.

Why you should know this database: There are many career fairs on campus in early fall, and professors often receive requests for career-related advice and assistance. CareerBeam has guides to help students build confidence as they identify goals, prepare for interviews, and develop networks.  CareerBeam includes a section to help students identify and prepare personal and professional references, which is a role that professors are often called to fill.  CareerBeam is one of the few resources students can continue to use when they are alumni.

How this database can be integrated into the curriculum: Because students should know about a company and the industry of which it is a part before an interview, CareerBeam has basic company information and industry profiles from Hoover’s.

Cost: Paid annually by the Libraries, the Center for Career Opportunities, Graduate Career Services, and the Krannert School of Management.


Database of the Week comes to you from the Management & Economics Library (MEL). Our intent is to give you a brief introduction to a database that you may not know.  If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact  Database of the Week is archived  at  For more Purdue Libraries news, follow us on Twitter (@PurdueLibraries).

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