
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies News

Parrish Library’s Database of the Week for 10/28/11

October 28th, 2011

Welcome to this feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These database snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources.

This Week’s Featured Database:  Purdue e-Pubs, from Purdue University Libraries, in recognition of Open Access 2011 at Purdue and Open Access Week, October 24-30.

Link:  e-Pubs.  The long path starts at Purdue University Libraries home page, scroll down to Initiatives, click on e-Scholar.

Description: It’s a free Web site for your journal articles, managed by Purdue Libraries.

Start with this hint:. If you have published an article and have retained your author rights, you can add it to the Purdue Libraries digital collection and make your paper freely available online. The  Purdue e-Pubs site has a link to the CIC Author Addendum to submit with a publishing agreement.  Click here to see the basics of contributing to  Purdue e-Pubs. When you contribute, you can receive a monthly e-mail telling you how many times your articles have been downloaded.

Why you should know this database:  The University Senate will soon consider adopting an Open Access policy such as those at Harvard, MIT, Princeton, and the University of Kansas.  On November 2 there will be a presentation and  Q&A session, See details at What is an Open Access Policy? Why should Purdue faculty care?

How students can contribute: The work of Purdue University undergraduate and graduate students may also be deposited if the appropriate collection has been established. See, for example, the  CFS Honors Program Undergraduate Theses and the College of Technology Directed Projects.

Cost: Purdue Libraries pays an annual maintenance fee for the Digital Commons repository platform.


Database of the Week comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. Our intent is to give you a brief introduction to a database that you may not know.  If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact  Database of the Week is archived  at  For more Purdue Libraries news, follow us on Twitter (@PurdueLibraries).

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