
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies News

Parrish Library’s database of the week (3/9/12): Uniworld

Parrish Library’s database of the week (3/9/12): Uniworld

March 9th, 2012

Welcome to Database of the Week — a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics.  These weekly database snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources.

If you have a suggestion for a database or research topic that should be covered, please let us know.

Database name:  Uniworld, from Uniworld Business Publications.

Link:, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha list right below the Libraries’ search box.

Description/focus: Uniworld is an online directory of American companies operating in foreign countries and foreign companies operating in the United States.

Start with this hint: Uniworld is a simple database.  First select from the two categories, American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries or Foreign Firms Operating in the United States, and then narrow down your search by selecting from the available parameters: keyword, country, region, the state where the company is located, zip code, radius, industry code, revenue, or number of employees.  The results can be downloaded or a displayed.  A personal profile can be set up and searches can be saved.  Click here to see the basics of searching Uniworld.

Why you should know this database: Uniworld’s branch location dataset includes the non-headquarters United States locations of American multinational firms.  This provides all locations (inside and outside) the United States, making it easy for a user to find a firm that is local.  Uniworld includes both public and private companies and is updated weekly, with every firm edited at least once a year. Although Uniworld was selected to support students as they build their careers, it is also a good source of company information.

How this database can be integrated into the curriculum:  Students can identify foreign companies by product or by location.

Cost: Paid annually by the Libraries, the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO), and Graduate Career Services (GCS) in the Krannert School of Management.


Database of the Week comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. Our intent is to give you a brief introduction to a database that you may not know.  If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact  Database of the Week is archived  at For more Purdue Libraries news, follow us on Twitter (@PurdueLibraries).

If you would like us to promote your favorite database, send an email to

Metadata and Provenance: Fins in the Sea of Data

March 7th, 2012

Parrish Library’s database of the week (3/2/12): GMID

March 2nd, 2012

Welcome to Database of the Week — a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics.  These weekly database snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources.

If you have a suggestion for a database or research topic that should be covered, please let us know.

Database name:  Global Market Information Database (aka Passport GMID), from Euromonitor International.

Link:, in the pulldown Quick Access to Business Databases alpha list right below the Libraries’ search box.

Description/focus:  GMID provides international market intelligence reports.

Start with this hint: Using the GMID simple search field in the top right corner can generate an effective search. For  example, try shoes.  At the results page, you can select a report from the list or narrow your search by category, geography, or statistics, including  market size or brand share. Click here to see the basics of searching GMID.

Why you should know this database:  GMID is one of our most powerful databases, providing domestic and international statistics on consumer goods and services, details on companies, and comprehensive economic information on countries.

How this database can be integrated into the curriculum:  Students can easily navigate the GMID interface to use country consumer data to compare markets.  The reports include financial assessment and SWOT.

Cost: Paid by Krannert School of Management and the Libraries.


Database of the Week comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. Our intent is to give you a brief introduction to a database that you may not know.  If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact  Database of the Week is archived  at For more Purdue Libraries news, follow us on Twitter (@PurdueLibraries).

If you would like us to promote your favorite database, send an email to


‘Bridge Builder’ author to speak on international relations at Purdue

March 2nd, 2012

Purdue president donates papers during Stratton portrait unveiling

March 2nd, 2012