November 15th, 2013
Welcome to Database of the Week. This feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics is intended to give you a brief introduction to a database that you may not know, with only basic information to get you started. Hopefully, you will be tempted to explore this or other databases..
This Week’s Featured Database: Dissertations & Theses, from Proquest.
Find, Under the column headed Collections, click on List of Business Databases.
Description/focus: Dissertations & Theses provides access to these works from graduate schools around the world.
Try it: Dissertations & Theses is another Proquest database, with the same interface available in their other products. In addition to author, title, and subject, you can search for the degree, department, or advisor. See here for a short video on accessing the database and using the interface and filters.
Why you should know this database: The Dissertations & Theses database covers colleges & universities from around the world and makes them available for immediate download to the denizens of Purdue.
Why you should know this database: Students can easily include dissertations and theses as they research topics for a research paper or for their own graduate research.
Tags: full text, Proquest
Cost: For annual subscription information, contact Mary Dugan.
Database of the Week comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Database of the Week is archived at For more Purdue Libraries news, follow us on Twitter (@PurdueLibraries).
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Filed under: database, events, general, MGMT, RSRCH, scholcomm