
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies News

Shakespeare’s Globe Archive – HSSE Featured Database

April 27th, 2023

Humanities, Social Science and Education Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Shakespeare’s Globe Archive database, brought to you by Adam Matthew.


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Focus: Shakespeare’s Globe Archive database is a collection of documents that offers insights into the performance practice in the space of the reconstructed Globe Theatre. You will find information on over 200 performances through prompt books, wardrobe notes, programs, publicity material, annual reports, show reports, photographs and architectural plans.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using the Women’s Studies International database.

Quick tip: If you access the Detailed Record for an article that interests you, to the left side of the page, you will see a link for find similar results. You can use this to generate a new results list that share similar keyword and subjects as the article you selected originally. This is a great way to expand your research.

Related Resources:

Other databases you might want to explore are:

Shakespeare in Performance:
JSTOR Understanding Series: