August 24th, 2023
Humanities, Social Science and Education Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Rock’s Backpages.
Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: This database is an archive of popular music journalism for the last 60 years. It features more than 50,000 articles on various genres, including punk, rock & roll, R&B and more. These articles are fully searchable by author, artist, publication, genre, and keywords. There is also a vast collection of audio recordings.
Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using the Rock’s Backpages database.
Quick tip: The Rock’s Backpages also hosts a podcast that is released every two weeks that highlights new items added to the archives and an excerpt from a recently added audio interview. This is a great way to keep up to date with the resources being added to the database.
Related Resources:
Other databases you might want to explore are:
Rolling Stone Archive:
Music Magazine Archive: