February 1st, 2013
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. This Week’s Featured Database: Hospitality & Tourism Complete, from EBSCOhost. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/libraries/mgmt, under Collections, click on the List of Business Databases. more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (2/1/13): Hospitality & Tourism CompleteJanuary 25th, 2013
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. This Week’s Featured Database: AGRICOLA, from the National Agricultural Library. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/libraries/mgmt, under Collections (on the left), click on the List more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (1/25/13): AGRICOLADecember 14th, 2012
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. This Week’s Featured Database: GREENR, from Gale Cengage Learning. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/mel, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (12/14/12): GREENRDecember 7th, 2012
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. This week our feature is not a database, but a quicker way of getting to the databases. Tool name and provider: MyParrish toolbar; from the Parrish Library. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/parrish, in the left column under Parrish Links; click more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (12/7/12): MyParrish toolbarNovember 27th, 2012
Featured New Books (click here for more new books) A First Course in Systems Biology Eberhard O. Voit
Filed under: collections, HLS, LIFE, PHAR, VETM | Comments Off on Featured New Books in the Life Sciences LibraryNovember 2nd, 2012
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. Database name: Frost Market Research, from Frost & Sullivan. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/parrish, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (11/2/12): Frost Market ResearchOctober 12th, 2012
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. This Week’s Featured Database: IBISWorld, from IBISWorld. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/parrish, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha list right more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (10/12/12): IBISWorldOctober 5th, 2012
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. This Week’s Featured Database: WARC, from World Advertising Research Center Ltd. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/parrish, in the pull down Quick Access to Business more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (10/5/12): WARC, from World Advertising Research Center Ltd.September 21st, 2012
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. Database name: Morningstar Document Research, from Morningstar. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/parrish, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha list right more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (9/21/12): Morningstar Document ResearchSeptember 14th, 2012
Welcome to Database of the Week, a feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. These weekly snapshots will give you basic information about our most relevant and beneficial online resources. This Week’s Featured Database: SimplyMap from Geographic Research, Inc. Link: www.lib.purdue.edu/mel, in the pull down Quick Access to Business Databases alpha more…
Filed under: collections, database, HSSEB, MGMT | Comments Off on Parrish Library’s database of the week (9/14/12): SimplyMap