September 21st, 2020
This blog series, Putting the “Purdue” in Purdue University Press, is celebrating PUP’s 60th Anniversary by featuring the work the Press does in service to its parent institution. You can find the whole series here. This post celebrates our relationship with the Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies. While Purdue University Libraries and School of more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Our Institutional Home at PurdueSeptember 14th, 2020
This blog series, Putting the “Purdue” in Purdue University Press, is celebrating PUP’s 60th Anniversary by featuring the work the Press does in service to its parent institution. You can find the whole series here. This post celebrates the books series and projects we do with on-campus partners. Our Press serves Purdue in many more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Publishing with the Purdue CommunitySeptember 7th, 2020
This blog series, Putting the “Purdue” in Purdue University Press, is celebrating PUP’s 60th Anniversary by featuring the work the Press does in service to its parent institution. You can find the whole series here. This post highlights the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research. The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research (JPUR) is a fully more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Supporting and Publishing Purdue’s Undergraduate ResearchAugust 31st, 2020
We talked to Frances Pinter, editor of Escaping Extermination: Hungarian Prodigy to American Musician, Feminist, and Activist by Agi Jambor. The memoir was written by Jambor shortly after WWII and is being published for the first time now. From the hell that was the siege of Budapest to a fresh start in America, Jambor describes more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Publishing a Memoir a Lifetime Later: Q&A with Frances PinterAugust 31st, 2020
This blog series, Putting the “Purdue” in Purdue University Press, is celebrating PUP’s 60th Anniversary by featuring the work our Press does in service to its parent institution. You can find the whole series here. This post celebrates our work in supporting those who record and preserve Purdue’s distinguished history. Purdue’s history is vast more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Recording and Preserving Purdue’s HistoryAugust 24th, 2020
This post was written by the director of Purdue University Press, Justin Race. It is the first in a series celebrating PUP’s 60th Anniversary by featuring the work the Press does on and around campus. You can find the whole series, Putting the “Purdue” in Purdue University Press, here. Though obvious, it bears stating: more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Putting the “Purdue” in Purdue University Press: Letter from the DirectorAugust 10th, 2020
We talked to Therese Kaspersen Hadchity, the author of The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde: Postmodernism as Post-nationalism. Focusing on the Anglophone Caribbean, The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde describes the rise and gradual consolidation of the visual arts avant-garde, which came to local and international attention in the 1990s. The book is centered on more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde: Q&A with Therese Kaspersen HadchityJuly 31st, 2020
Purdue University Press is pleased to announce the list of new books for our Fall/Winter 2020 season. This new season of books will cover subjects including Jewish studies, central european studies, aeronautics and astronautics, Indiana, politics, library sciences, and literature. This season adds to our collection of Holocaust memoirs with Escaping Extermination: Hungarian Prodigy to more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Purdue University Press Announces Books for 2020 Fall/Winter SeasonJuly 15th, 2020
The stories of Holocaust survivors are as inspiring as they are haunting, but the common thread holding them together is persistence in the face of unthinkable devastation and suffering. Purdue University Press is proud of our part helping preserve their stories, several of which you can find below. Escaping Extermination: Hungarian Prodigy to American more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Stories of Survival and HopeJuly 6th, 2020
We talked to Mate Nikola Tokić, the author of Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War. Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War examines one of the most active but least remembered groups of terrorists of the Cold War: radical anti-Yugoslav Croatian separatists. At its core, this book is concerned more…
Filed under: PurduePress | Comments Off on Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism: Q&A with Mate Nikola Tokić