Hicks Library Study Break Events Kick Off April 23; Stress-Relief with Therapy Pets & More for Prep, Finals Weeks
April 18th, 2018
Purdue University students enjoying a Hicks Undergraduate Library Study Break Event (Fall 2017).
Beginning Monday, April 23, Purdue Libraries will once again host Hicks Study Break events during prep and finals weeks. Purdue University students are encouraged take a break from the stress of final examination preparation and come to Hicks Undergraduate Library and hang out with some therapy pets or attend a Mobile Making activity courtesy of the Data-Visualization Experience Lab of Purdue (D-VELoP). A full list of the events, with times and dates, is below.
All events are free and open to all Purdue students and will be held in the Hicks Undergraduate Library’s main common area.
Prep Week
6:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, April 23: Therapy Dogs International
5:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 24: Sidewalk Chalk and Bubbles (and seed planting, if it rains!)
6-8 p.m. Wednesday, April 25: Magnet Making and Popcorn
5:30-8 p.m. Thursday, April 26: Mobile Making Activity
Finals Week
6-8 p.m. Monday, April 30: Magnet Making and Popcorn
7-8 p.m. Tuesday, May 1: Pet Partners
5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 2: Sidewalk Chalk and Bubbles (and seed planting, if it rains!)
5:30-8 p.m. Thursday, May 3: Mobile Making Activity
In addition to these events, coloring stations, a lego station, and puzzle stations will be available 24/7.
All other libraries will operate their normal hours during prep and finals weeks. Purdue Libraries will be closed May 6, with the exception of Hicks Undergraduate Library and the Library of Engineering and Science, which will both be accessible to those with a valid PUID.
Take a break from the stress and grind of finals preparation at the Hicks Undergraduate Library later this month with the bi-annual Study Break events slated for prep and finals weeks. The first event will kick off at 7 p.m. Monday, April 24, with Caring Paws, which will provide students with the opportunity to interact with therapy animals.
The full schedule is listed below.
Prep Week
7-8 p.m. Mon., April 24 – Caring Paws: Students will have the opportunity to interact with therapy animals;
6-8 p.m. Tues., April 25 – Chair Massages;
6:30-7:30 p.m. Weds., April 26 – Therapy Dogs International: Students will have the opportunity to interact with therapy dogs; and
6-8 p.m. Thurs., April 27 – Craft Night & Popcorn Bar: Create your own stress ball and enjoy the popcorn bar!
Finals Week
7-8 p.m. Mon., May 1 – Caring Paws: Students will have the opportunity to interact with therapy animals;
6-8 p.m. Tues., May 2 – Craft Night & Popcorn Bar: Bury your stress–decorate a pot and plant a seed to take home. Enjoy the popcorn bar!
6:30-7:30 p.m., Weds., May 3 – Sidewalk Chalk and Bubbles: Watch your stress away float away by blowing bubbles, and tap into your inner artist and decorate sidewalks around Hicks with chalk; and
6-8 p.m. Thurs., May 4 – Chair Massages.
Other activities to take place at Hicks on an ongoing basis during the two weeks of Study Break: lego building, art relaxation stations, and bubble wrap.
All events will be held in common areas unless otherwise noted.