
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies News

Featured Database: GoinGlobal

Featured Database: GoinGlobal

March 5th, 2019

Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring GoinGlobal, founded by Mary Anne Thompson.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: GoinGlobal provides access to country-specific career information such as advice for finding employment opportunities, including business and networking groups, job search resources, cost of living data, and city career guides.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using GoinGlobal.

Start with this hint: Access career guides by country, global city, and US city from the homepage; including hiring opportunities, resume and interview help, and networking information.

Why you should know this database: Going Global also has H1B employer petitions from the US Department of Labor by location in the USA/Canada, and additional searches by job title, occupation, employer, wage, and other fields, and country-specific company profiles.

Related Resources

Some other databases you might want to explore, are:

  • Business Source Complete, contains major company profiles and SWOT reports.
  • Factiva, provides full-text access to top national and international newspapers, newswires, business journals, market research reports, analyst report and web sites.
  • Vault Career Guides, include interview strategies, job-search tips, and company profiles.

You can access many more career search resources on the Career Research Portal homepage.


This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Featured Database: Vault Career Guides

February 5th, 2019

Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Vault Career Guides, brought to you by Inc.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: Vault’s career guides include interview strategies, job-search tips, and full-length profiles of more than 1,000 companies and leading industries.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using Vault Career Guides.

Start with this hint: Click “Vault Guides” at the top of the page to access and search career guides. Use the filters on the left to browse guides by industry, advice, and education.

Why you should know this database: Vault publishes over 120 titles covering a wide range of industries and professions, from accounting and law to biotech, real estate and culinary arts, plus important career topics including resume writing, diversity and environmental initiatives at companies.

Related Resources

Some other databases you might want to explore, are:

  • GoinGlobal, provides advice for finding employment opportunities, including business and networking groups, job search resources, cost of living data, and city career guides.
  • Plunkett Research, offers business intelligence, industry trends, statistics, market research, and company lists.

You can access many more career search resources on the Career Research Portal homepage.

This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Featured Database: Thomson One

January 15th, 2019

Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Thomson One brought to you by Thomson Reuters.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: Thomson One is a comprehensive database of public financial statistics that also contains investment analyst reports and mergers & acquisitions information. Please note that this database only works in Internet Explorer.

Tutorial: We have three different tutorials available related to Thomson One depending on the type of data you’re interested in: Finding Mergers and Acquisitions Data in Thomson One, Finding VentureXpert Data in Thomson One, and Finding Investext Investment Analyst Reports in Thomson One.

Start with this hint: Make sure you’re using Internet Explorer to access Thomson One. Where you begin, will be dependent on what type of data you’re looking for. See the tutorial links above for more detailed information.

Why you should know this database: Thomson One provides easy access to VentureXpert and Mergers and Acquisitions data that may not otherwise be easily accessible online.

Related Resources

Some other databases you might want to explore, are:

  • Mergent Online, financial statements, company news, industry analysis, historical information on M&A activity, and more.
  • PrivCo, contains business and financial data on over 30,000 major, non-publicly traded corporations.
  • S&P Net Advantage, investment information and analysis on companies, industries, stocks and bonds, mutual funds and dividends.


This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Featured Database: Nexis Uni

November 6th, 2018

Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Nexis Uni, brought to you by LexisNexis, from RELX Group.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis – including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using the Nexis Uni.

Start with this hint: The Guided Search option allows you to target particular types of content in your search such as news, legal cases, or publications.

Why you should know this database: The Nexis Uni interface offers discovery across all content types, personalization features such as alerts and saved searches, and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.

Related Resources

Some other databases you might want to explore, are:

  • D&B Business Browser, an aggregate database of company, business news, and industry information.
  • Factiva, provides full-text access to top national and international newspapers, newswires, business journals, market research reports, analyst report and web sites.
  • PrivCo, contains business and financial data on over 30,000 major, non-publicly traded corporations.

This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Featured Database: ProQuest Statistical Insight

October 8th, 2018

Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring ProQuest Statistical Insight, brought to you by ProQuest LLC., a subsidiary of Cambridge Information Group.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: ProQuest Statistical Insight provides access to statistical information produced by U.S. Federal agencies, state governments, private organizations, and major international governmental organizations.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using the ProQuest Statistical Insight.

Start with this hint: Browse topics in recent news on the right side of the page or do a basic search by keyword, then narrow down your results using filters such as source, region, or subject.

Why you should know this database: ProQuest Statistical Insight provides data from subject areas including humanities, social sciences, and science. Since statistics are critical for decision making and with ProQuest Statistical Insight you don’t have to hunt for the right government agency to supply the data you’re looking for.

Related Resources

Some other databases you might want to explore, are:

  • Data-Planet Statistical Datasets, provides easy access to an extensive repository of standardized and structured statistical data.
  • Passport, offers integrated access to statistics, market reports, company profiles and information sources.
  • Plunkett Research, offers business intelligence, industry trends, statistics, market research, and company lists.


This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Featured Database: ProcurementIQ

September 11th, 2018

Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring ProcurementIQ, formerly IBISWorld Procurement Reports, brought to you by IBISWorld Inc.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: ProcurementIQ is a collection of procurement research reports in more than 1,000 areas, designed to help businesses make better purchasing decisions.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using the ProcurementIQ.

Start with this hint: Browse reports by title by clicking on “All reports” from the homepage.

Why you should know this database: ProcurementIQ procurement research reports provide information on pricing environments, including key trends, price drivers, product characteristics, and purchasing process.

Related Resources

Some other databases you might want to explore, are:

  • BCC Market Research, contains market research reports, industry reviews, newsletters and conferences for competitive business intelligence.
  • *Investext, provides a comprehensive overview of a company, including key fundamentals, the latest transactions, latest five deals, research reports and more.
  • Mintel, reports discuss market drivers, market size & trends, market segmentation, supply structure, advertising and promotion, retail distribution and more.

*This database is part of Thomson One and requires Internet Explorer.*

This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Featured Database: Small Business Resource Center

August 7th, 2018

Parrish Library’s Featured Database, formerly Database of the Month, will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Small Business Resource Center brought to you by Gale, a Cengage company.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: Small Business Resource Center is a portal for entrepreneurs containing business plans, entrepreneurial articles, small business forms and related information. It also includes small business encyclopedias.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using the Small Business Resource Center.

Start with this hint: Use the How To section to easily find information and answers to the most asked questions by small business owners.

Why you should know this database: Small Business Resource Center is a comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more.

Interested in Entrepreneurship Articles?  

Some other databases you might want to check out, are:

  • ABI Inform Global, access articles on business conditions, trends, management techniques, corporate strategies, company news and industry-specific topics worldwide.
  • Business Source Complete, indexes and abstracts articles in business and management, marketing, MIS, accounting, finance, international business, and related disciplines.
  • Regional Business News, comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications, incorporating 75 business news magazines, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.

This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Database of the Month: S&P NetAdvantage

July 11th, 2018

Welcome to Database of the Month, a feature from the Parrish Library. Each of these monthly snapshots will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This month’s database is S&P NetAdvantage brought to you by S&P Global Inc.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage, also known as S&P NetAdvantage, provides investment information and analysis on companies, industries, stocks and bonds, mutual funds and dividends. Resources available include: S&P Bond Guides, Earnings Guide, Corporation Records, Industry Surveys, Mutual Funds, S&P Outlook, Register of Corporations, Executives and Directors, S&P Stock Guide and Stock Reports.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of searching S&P NetAdvantage.

Start with this hint: You can easily browse industry or company profiles and find investment research under the Companies tab.

Why you should know this database: S&P NetAdvantage provides access to company profiles, news, investment research, and industry surveys. This database also features a chart builder that makes company comparison easy.

Interested in Company Financials?  

Some other databases you might want to check out, are:

  • Mergent Online, access financial statements, company news, industry analysis and more.
  • PrivCo, premier source for business and financial data on over 30,000 major, non-publicly traded corporations.
  • Thomson One Banker, provides access to comprehensive dataset of public company financial statistics and investment analyst report. Note: this database only work in Internet Explorer.

Database of the Month comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this monthly feature.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Database of the Month: ReferenceUSA

June 12th, 2018

Welcome to Database of the Month, a feature from the Parrish Library. Each of these monthly snapshots will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This month’s database is ReferenceUSA brought to you by Infogroup.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: ReferenceUSA offers several searchable database modules containing detailed information on more than 14 million U.S. businesses and employers; 89 million U.S. residents; 855,000 U.S. health care providers; 1.5 million Canadian businesses; and 12 million Canadian residents.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of searching ReferenceUSA.

Start with this hint: Search by company name using “Quick Search” feature to find a list of executives or the CEO of a company. When looking at a list of companies, click on the blue arrow to the right to find the corporate office of the company you’re looking for.

Why you should know this database: ReferenceUSA’s U.S. Businesses database is enhanced with more than 24 million phone calls per year and includes company name, business title, business type, sales volume, employee size, year established and more. ReferenceUSA can also be used to find industry profiles, job listings, and competitors.

Interested in Company Directories?  

Some other databases you might want to check out, are:

  • Uniworld, up-to-date multinational business contact information with listings in over 200 countries. Includes information on American firms operating in foreign countries and foreign firms operating in the United States.
  • D&B Business Browser, aggregate database of company, business news, and industry information.
  • Plunkett Research, offers business intelligence, industry trends, statistics, market research, and company lists. Detailed industry reports, company profiles, and numerous statistics are available.

Database of the Month comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this monthly feature.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to

Database of the Month: Passport

May 9th, 2018

Welcome to Database of the Month, a feature from the Parrish Library. Each of these monthly snapshots will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This month’s database is Passport brought to you by Euromonitor International.

Link: is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.

Focus: Passport is an online business information system providing business intelligence on countries, consumers and industries. It offers integrated access to statistics, market reports, company profiles and information sources.

Tutorial: Click here see the basics of searching Passport.

Start with this hint: Use the keyword search in the top right corner of the screen; relevant content will appear as you type.

Why you should know this database: Passport provides access to timely data and analysis on consumer lifestyles, population trends and socioeconomic analysis for every country and consumer type down to the city level. With interactive dashboards users can explore category, company and channel data for an industry or diver deeper into consumer trends using economic, socioeconomic and demographic data.

Interested in Consumer & Market Research?  

Some other databases you might want to check out, are:

  • Proquest Statistical Insight, provides access to statistical information produced by the U.S. Federal agencies, state governments, private organizations, and major international governmental organizations.
  • Mintel, includes market research reports for Europe, the UK, and the US. Reports cover a variety of sectors including consumer goods, travel and tourism, financial industry, and more.
  • com Academic, contains comprehensive full-text market research reports with broad range of coverage on markets, industries, and companies worldwide.
  • SimplyAnalytics, enables non-technical users to quickly create professional quality thematic maps and reports using extensive demographic, business and marketing data.

Database of the Month comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this monthly feature.

Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to