VOLUMe Fall 2017
When it became certain the 1924 Power Plant (HPN) would be demolished to make way for the Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC), a group of individuals came together to decide what could be saved as artifacts from HPN that could help tell its story and celebrate the memories so many Boilermakers had of the iconic smokestack. On a very cold day in February 2014,the group toured HPN and identified parts of the structure (grating, flue doors, pipes, bricks, decorative trim) that could be re-purposed into the structure of the WALC. In addition, the group selected various pieces of equipment from HPN, including a turbine, control valves and gauges, and the ash cart that removed the cinders from the boilers and soot from the smokestack. These items were chosen to tell the story of the operations of HPN and the men who worked there, as well as the educational role it played for many Purdue engineering students.
As the architects from BSA Life Structures designed the WALC, wall cases were planned that would display the artifacts, which would allow visitors to learn about the role of the 1924 Power Plant at Purdue. To ensure a coherent story and clarification of the items, a museum display professional from Museum Croft stewarded the location of the items in the cases as well as the narrative, all available through an audio tour that can be accessed via a smartphone. (The audio tour can be reached by dialing 765-245 3595. Of course, this can be dialed up from any location, but it is most meaningful to be in the WALC to have the artifact or photograph in front of you. The audio tour also challenges the listener to create her/his own story using the artifacts,thereby, becoming an active learner in the WALC.)
The walls of the WALC are also rich with reproductions of historic photographs of the Purdue University campus, including an aerial view of the campus from 1924, the year the Wilmeth brothers were students at Purdue.Several photographs show engineering students learning the operations of the 1924 Power Plant from a professor, as well as images depicting the workers who made the plant operate.
A Purdue Icon:Creation, Life and Legacy
A Purdue Icon was published in August 2017 by Purdue University Press as part of its Founders Series, to convey, in seven essays, the significance of the 1924 Power Plant. The book highlights the growth of the industrial age during the late 19th century and the extraordinary growth and demand for electrical power, which necessitated the construction and continual expansion in the generation of heat and power, and ultimately cooling for Purdue. The book also discusses the design of the 1924 Power Plant and its significance as a statement of modernity in the 1920s; however, it also discusses the need for expansion beyond what the 1924 Power Plant could generate and ultimately its retirement in the 1980s.
The demolition of its smokestack was completed in the early 1990s, with the razing of the entire structure following in 2014.
The final essay discusses the planning and design of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC) on the site of the 1924 Power Plant. The WALC merits its central location as the vibrant heart of the Purdue campus on the very site of an earlier active learning center, the 1924 Power Plant.
James L. Mullins // Dean of Libraries and Esther EllisNorton Professor 2004 – 2017 // Purdue University Libraries
As we approach the 150th anniversary of Purdue University, it is the perfect time to commit to preserving its history. The mission of the Archives and Special Collections is to preserve and share the documents and artifacts that tell the remarkable story of how Purdue grew from a small land grant university on the banks of the Wabash River into the world-class research institution it is today.
Much has been achieved over the last 20 years to preserve Purdue’s history, and our collections are robust and meaningful. Scholars worldwide conduct research using our collections, and we regularly teach students about Purdue history using the archival collections. Yet, there is no place at Purdue for visitors and the Purdue community to actively engage with Purdue’s history and to learn about how it has grown over time and the ways Purdue alumni,faculty, and staff have impacted the world.
It is at this important moment in the history of the University that we turn our eyes to the mission of engagement. As Harry Truman famously said, “There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.”As we celebrate the success of the archival work done to collect and care for Purdue’s history, we believe now is the time to connect that history in a more meaningful way to students, scholars, alumni and the public.
A stand-alone Archives and Special Collection building would create a destination point for experiencing Purdue history. This building would serve as an engagement center where anyone—students, faculty, alumni, K-12, external scholars, and the public— could come to learn about Purdue’s rich heritage. The building would be designed to excite and educate visitors about Purdue’s past and its many innovations and accomplishments over time. An Archives and Special Collections building, with attractive, interactive displays and gallery spaces,will attract visitors eager to learn about Purdue and how it has moved the world forward.
A state-of-the-art Archives and Special Collections building will allow us to continue supporting research, while adding in additional spaces for teaching and learning with enhanced engagement opportunities through museum-like gallery spaces. This building will house the historical documents,photos, films, artifacts, and publications that tell the story of Purdue. In addition to the University Archives, the new building will store the manuscripts and personal papers of noteworthy Purdue alumni and faculty, the Susan Bulkeley Butler Women’s Archives, the Barron Hilton Flight and Space Exploration Archives, the Betsy Gordon Psychoactive Substances Research Collection, and the Libraries distinctive collections of rare books. Emerging technologies will be integrated into the building, to connect these valuable collections to the world and bring history to life.
Please be on the look-out for upcoming announcements about the kick off of the Campaign for the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Research and Engagement Center. This campaign is not just about protecting history for generations to come, but also actively engaging with it today. We hope you will join us in this exciting endeavor to build a new Archives and Special Collections building that highlights Purdue’s history and the ways Purdue has impacted the world.
For more information, please contact Kathryn Dilworth, Director of Advancement, Purdue Libraries and Purdue University Press, at KFDilworth@prf.orgor (765) 494-2806.
You supported the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
James and Sharon Abel
Anthony Alfonso
Betty Anderson
Robert Anderson
Arthur and Margie Aronson
Tiffany Baer
William Baker
Robert and Melinda Bains
Roderick Baker and Moira Corcoran
Jeffrey and Suellyn Ballard
Michael Bannert
Shawn Batey
Jerome and Diana Bean
Dennis and Lynda Bell
Marianne Billeter
Kenneth and Phyllis Bloom
Emily Blue
Robert and Denise Boehnlein
Raymond and Mary Bonhomme
Michael Boston
Evan and Elizabeth Bower
Jeffrey and Beth Bredeson
Kathryn Brown
Lawrence Brunke
Mark Budd
Damien Bukowy
Timothy and Erica Burkhart
Anne Burnett
Herman Cantrell and Joann Data
Barbara Carhart
Dennis Carol
Kelley and Patricia Carr
Jack and Yumiko Champaigne
Lorna Champion
Converse and Sharon Chellis
Ann Holder Chezem
Young and Inhi Chung
Joe and Claudia Clarkson
Lawrence and Pamela Claxton
John and Margarita Contreni
Glenn Cooper
Sigmund and Patricia Cornelius
David Couture
Janelle Couture
Mark and Christy Craig
Frank and Laura Czechanski
Robert Dale
James and Anna Davidson
Timothy De Bruin
Timothy and Cheri DeBruicker
Susan Hodges DeNuccio
Stephen Diagostino
Fred and Barbara Dixon
Joseph Donohue and Michelle D’Arcy
Dennis and Janice Eickhoff
Thomas and Elizabeth Eisele
Scott Engelking
Kelly Englehart
Benjamin Evans
Edgar and Eunice Fiedler
Grant and Jennifer Flora
Timothy and Susan Dorn Fowler
Gary and Tamera Fox
Jon and Catherine Fraley
Diane Frederici
Kurt and Margaret Frehner
Sandra Galloway
Carroll and Olive Gambrell
Christian and Marita Garcia
Kara Garrison
Richard Gass
Leonard Gaul
Pris Gerde
Edward and Erin Gerken
Jacqueline Wise Gershman
Martin Gerson
Gary and Susan Glazer
John and Roberta Banaszak Gleiter
Thomas and Jacquelyn Roberts Grady
Robert Gralinski
Mark and Nancy Gruninger
Craig Hach
Barbara Hansen
John and Catherine Hause
Michael Hayashi
Shawn Helm
James and Judith Herd
Edward and Sherry Herringshaw
William and Emily Burns Heston
Nancy Hewison and Robert Joly
Brian and Elaine Hicks
John and Jane Higgins
Lawrence and Janet Hiler
Craig Hoffman
Herman and Connie Houin
Neal Houze and Cynthia Clauss
Joseph and Sandra Howarth
Harold Howell
Joseph and Elizabeth Humenik
Mark and Mary Humenik
Michael Humnicky
Ashley Hutchcraft
Leon Hutton
Ganeshkumar and Nalini Iyer
David Jacks
B. J. Jacks
Karen A. Jacks and Associates P.C.
Charles James
Mark Jarvis
Justin Jennings
Bob and Donna Jesse
Richard and Frances Johnson
Valerie Johnson
David and Victoria Klassen
Donald and Linda Kraft
Richard and Marie Kuhnla
Benette Laiken
Thomas Lampert
Mark and Denise Langhenry
Steven and Susanne Leininger
Lilly Endowment Incorporated
Justin Lin
William and Patricia Longley
Clint Mabey
Lois Maickel
Charles and Mary Martin
John and Patricia Geist Martin
Patricia Martin
Stephen Martin and Mary Mayer
Joy Matson
Derek and Anne Mauk
Richard and Donielle Mayer
Boni McCabe
Ward and Lou McClelland
Scott and Barbara McLaughlin
Hugh and Linda McMinn
Beth McNeil and Wes Welch
A’ndrea Messer
Charles and Carol Miller
Alvin Mordoh
Robert and Margaret Morris
William and Constance Morrow
Karen Moschetto and Janice Raspen
Anthony Mucelli
Pamela Muensterman
James and Kathleen Mullins
S. L. Munson and Company
Erin Murphy
Randall and Jeanne Murrill
Gerald Nankee
Larry Nies
David and Gayle Niss
Rudy Nix
Tony Nondorf
David Ochiltree
Ned Ochiltree
Akiko Ohno
Henry Orejuela
Yousef Panahpour
Wayne and Judith Pask
Stephen Pater
Tom Pechan
Stephen Peppler
Eugene and Geraldine Pergament
Kenneth and Katherine Peters
Garrett and Mary Plepel
Samuel Postlethwait
Manuel and Joan Raffo
Grant and Elizabeth Richards
Rebecca Richardson
Ralph Rohrer and Melinda Jester
Richard and Rae Roley
Charles and Dorothy Rowe
Jason Rowland and Susan Haber
Linda Runkel
Nancy Russell
Michael Sambs
Thomas and Jane Schmidt
Kristie Schorr
Ralph and Sharon Schowe
Fred and Nancy Schpero
Kyle Schultz
Employees of Scot Industries
Mary Sego
Charles Shook
Edward Sigo
Douglas and Laura Skidmore
Gretchen Stephens
Brian Strobel
Jo and Cliff Swanlund
Joyce Teel
Richard and Kyle Thomas
Carole Tolley
Charles and Katharine Hutton Tweedy
Ranjini Vijayaragghavan
Wagner-Meinert LLC
Shannon Walker
Roy and Myrna Wansik
Suzanne Ward
Kristian Weeder and
Katharine Tweedy-Weeder
Terrence and Mary Weisshaar
Andrew and Elizabeth Whittaker
John and Janice Wilkins
Wilmeth Family
James and Barbara Wilson
Robert and Joyce Witte
Patrick and Leslie Wood
William and Margaret Wu
Chuanbo Zang
Scott and Brenda Zeevaart
Robert and Marcy Ziek
Michael and Heather Simmering Zientek
David Zwicky
Classof 1966 Donors
BoilerSTEAM Commons
Thomas and Sally Symmes Abbott
Frank and Phyllis Abbott
Daniel and Joyce Ahrns
Richard Allen
John Andelin and Virginia Geoffrey
Jane Anderson
Dan and Jane Williams Anglim
Donald and Sheila Ansley
Keith and Lynne Apple
Thomas Ashbaucher
Peter and Nancy Ayers
Edmund Ayson
Harold and Mary Jane Bailey
William Baker
Nancy and David Barbee
Thomas and Cynthia Barlo
Thomas and Karen Bartels
Judith Bechtold
David and Lynn Beer
Charles and Barbara Beeson
Larry and Linda Bellville
William and Paula Ross Berg
Donald and Carolyn Blackman
John and Brenda Blaha
Harold Blazevich
Joseph and Judith Blum
Richard and Sandra Bockhorst
Harlan and Virginia Bonsett
Gregg Borchelt
Stephen and Nancy Bourke
Ann Brace
Robert and Judy Brady
Charles and Chyrl Brandt
Karl and Luisa Bremer
Robert and Christina Brewer
Roy and Benita Bridges
Graham and Terry Parker Bright
Fred and Marilynn Broviak
Sharon Keller Brown
Monica Brunelle
John and Linda Buckman
Richard and Kathleen Bucknam
Philip and Wilhelmina Burket
Janet Schmidt Burkhart
Gene and Marie Buzzard
Herman Cantrell and Joann Data
Martha Cantrell
John and Marilyn Branham Caradonna
Pamela Carlton
Luanne Lee Carson
David Carter
William and Shirley Chappell
Ronald and Diana Bishop Chastain
John and Ruth Cherry
Gerry and Carol Chrisman
Orla Christensen and Joan England
Larry and Jolee Clodfelter
Edwin Codner
Earl Coleman
Julianne Collins
Richard Collins
Stephen Conkling
Linda Conley
Richard Constantine
Marquis and Jo Cooke
James and Terry Coots
Thomas and Phyllis Corrigan
Ronald Coslett
Andrew Costello
Jane Coulston
Jeffery and Susan Covert
John and Carolyn Cragun
Carol Cramer
B. J. Crowel
Bruce and Sharon Miller Csaszar
Sherman and Patricia Murphy Dautel
Robert and Janice Davidson
Bruce and Anna Davis
John and Barbara Felch Day
Thomas and Shirley Deetz
Joseph and Nancee Delich
William DeTalvo
Douglas and Pamela Diehl
Richard Diemer
Wayne and Mary Jo Doebling
Robert Dolphin
Dennis and Leslie Drag
Betsey Dunaway
Laurence and Karen Dusold
Patricia Earnest
David and Ellen Easley
Bruce and Tricia Eastmond
Arlene Eggleston
Dennis and Janice Eickhoff
James and Janis Erb
William and Jimmie Espich
Robert and Katherine Kruggel Evans
Douglas and Christine Evans
Richard and Ann Falkner
Richard and Jeannette Findley
David Flanigan
John Fleck
Frederick and Julie Ulrey Foland Michael and Robbye Frank
Gilbert Frey
Peter Fruehman
Melvin Fujii
James and Catherine Gatman
Marilyn Geist
William and Dorothy Getz
Barry and Joanne Caudell Gibson
John Gilbert
George Gillespie
Donna Gollnick
Milan and Patricia Gorby
Barry and Paula Graden
Betty Gray
Larry Greulach
Carole Greulach
Larry and Helen Gruber
John and Jane Guagliardo
James and Bonnie Hajduk
John and Harriet Halkyard
Donn and Barbara Hancher
Carlo and Margaret Hansen
Jerome and Audrey Winzer Harness
Vincent and Sondra Harrell
Benjamin Haskins
Marshall and Janet Hedrick
Ellen Henderson
Leonard Wiener and
Edith Herman-Wiener
Kevin and Michelle Higgins
Gerald and Mary Hintz
Dennis and Virginia Hixenbaugh
Wayne Hockmeyer
Phillip and Cynthia Hofman
James Hogan
Keith and Nancy Honegger
John and Christine Hostetler
William Howard
Neil Huff
Karen Humphreys
John and Candace Hunter
Richard and Susan Hunziker
Sudhakar Ingle
Thomas and Kathy Jenkins
Edward Johnson
Kenneth and Jane Jonaitis
Ronald Jumps
Joseph and Kathleen Kaar
Raymond and Beverly Karcher
Charles Keen
Joseph Kelly
Eleanor Keppler
Robert and Pamela Krause King
Robert Kinnier
Ray and Diane Klassen
John Klesch
George Kmetz
Richard Knipstein
William and Gina Kornrumpf
Lawrence and Joyce Krueger
Stanley and Hollis Greenman Kuenn
Thomas and Marcia Kuhn
Paul Kuhnert
Richard and Gloria Patrick Kunz
William and Marilyn Kunz
Andris and Sharon Kurins
Michael Lane
Robert Lautner
Thomas Lawlis
William Leech
Charles and Aino Leedom
Steven and Mary Beth Leininger
Larry and Nancy LeMay
Virginia Lentz
William and Linda Linnemeier
James Lohman and Christine Rinta
Ann Foster Lohn
James and Mable Long
Donald and Sandra Lowes
Larry and Barbara Lukens
Edward and Barbara Arens Lukes
Gary Mamer
Thomas and Kathryn Marcotte
Ronald Martin
Thomas and Rita Mathern
Henry and Sharon Suydam Mattice
Henry and Sandra Mayer
Lee McClain
Michal McClure
Michael and Sandra McDonald
Terence McDowell
Carol McGuff
Thomas and Mary McKane
Chaunchy and Elaine McKearn
Michael and Katherine McManus
Donald and Marian Meinheit
Charles and Catherine Mekel
Emil and Beth Meyer
Edward and Sandra Michaels
Eugene and Judith Michaud
Kenneth and Ann Miller
Francis and Charlotte Miozzi
Dennis and Barbara Mishler
Sheridan Miszklevitz
Dwight Mix
Jeffrey and Roberta Monger
Edward and Sara Morgan
Diane Dupuis Morris
David Morris
Carl and Sharon Mueller
Daniel and Pamela Murray
Barbara Muskin
Max Muterspaugh
Mark and Marilyn Nataupsky
Charles and Janet Nelson
Daniel and Genny Norman
Ronald Nowicki
Mary O’Brien
Shinya and Hisako Ochiai
Wayne and Emily Oehlman
Robert and Royleen Shanta Owczarzak
Gerald and Mary Patrick
Ray Paulin
George and Jane Pavlina
Karel and Sherry Peck
John and Brenda Penn
Bailey Terry and Ricarda Martin Perez
Harvey and Phyllis Persinger
David and Pamela Pethick
John and Margaret Petraits
David and Deanna Pettyjohn
Charles and Marjorie Poore
Thomas and Kay Potenza
Arthur and Jeremy Powell
Albert Price
Charles Quakenbush
Michael Radecki
Robert and Linda Railey
Orlando and Paula Meese Raimondo
Marjorie Randolph
Darrel Reininga
Kenneth Ries
Martha Robbins
Samuel and Louise Robinson
Albert Rosendahl
Armine Rotramel
Richard Sander
Thomas and Joanne Sawyer
John Schattyn
Michael and DeEtte Scheetz
Charles and Carolyn Schlehuser
Joseph and Nancy Schoendorf
James Schomer
Phillip and Su-Esta Scott
Bruce Scranage
Jerry and Cheryl Searcy
Sheila Seibel
James and Lois Shaevel
Don and Marilyn Shalibo
Stephen and Jane Sharon
Timothy and Naizme Sheehan
Ronald and Patricia Sheffler
James and Karen Shields
Alan and Linda Siegel
Malcolm and Janet Sigmond
John Simkanich
Stephen and Judith Sindlinger
Robert and Genevieve Skrivan
Roger Smith
Donald and Joann Smith
Robert and Susan Smith
Robert and Barbara Smith
Richard Snider
Carl and Ina Snook
William and Marlene Snyder
Larry Spitznagle
Thomas Springer
Stephen Spurgeon
Thomas Staples
Theodore Stapleton
James and Barbara Stark
Arthur and Joyce Stemp
Dennis and Marilyn Stine
James and Joan Stiver
Kenneth and Charlotte Stuff
Frances Sweet
Robert and Lynn Swingle
John and Patricia Tancredi
Rita Thacker
William and Ann Thomas
Paul and Esther Timmeney
George and Judith Tkacz
Steve and Marsha Tokarski
Robert and Toni Tongue
Timothy and Dorothe Trick
Wayne and Barbara Trout
Stephen Troyer
Robert and Mary Van Siclen
James and Linda VanSlette
Rinda Vogelgesang
Daniel Wagner
Richard Waldrop
James and Lucy Walker
Michael Walsh
Phillip and Dorothy Wankat
Dwight and Shirley Washburn
Thomas and Pricilla Washer
Leon and Marysue Wechsler
Bernard Weinland
Max Wessler
Alden and Mary West
Robert White
Margaret Whiting
William and Marthena Wilder
Frank and Marcia Wiles
Elaine Wilson
David Workman
Terry and Margaret Yake
Michael and Carolyn Yanke
Gary and Rachel Yingling
William and Sherry Young
Garr Youngren
Robert Zetzl
Joseph and Ruby Matthies Zima
Melanie Zimmer
Mary Ann Zimmerman
Class of 1966 Donors: Boiler STEAM Commons
Thomas and Sally Symmes Abbott
Frank and Phyllis Abbott
Daniel and Joyce Ahrns
Richard Allen
John Andelin and Virginia Geoffrey
Jane Anderson
Dan and Jane Williams Anglim
Donald and Sheila Ansley
Keith and Lynne Apple
Thomas Ashbaucher
Peter and Nancy Ayers
Edmund Ayson
Harold and Mary Jane Bailey
William Baker
Nancy and David Barbee
Thomas and Cynthia Barlo
Thomas and Karen Bartels
Judith Bechtold
David and Lynn Beer
Charles and Barbara Beeson
Larry and Linda Bellville
William and Paula Ross Berg
Donald and Carolyn Blackman
John and Brenda Blaha
Harold Blazevich
Joseph and Judith Blum
Richard and Sandra Bockhorst
Harlan and Virginia Bonsett
Gregg Borchelt
Stephen and Nancy Bourke
Ann Brace
Robert and Judy Brady
Charles and Chyrl Brandt
Karl and Luisa Bremer
Robert and Christina Brewer
Roy and Benita Bridges
Graham and Terry Parker Bright
Fred and Marilynn Broviak
Sharon Keller Brown
Monica Brunelle
John and Linda Buckman
Richard and Kathleen Bucknam
Philip and Wilhelmina Burket
Janet Schmidt Burkhart
Gene and Marie Buzzard
Herman Cantrell and Joann Data
Martha Cantrell
John and Marilyn Branham Caradonna
Pamela Carlton
Luanne Lee Carson
David Carter
William and Shirley Chappell
Ronald and Diana Bishop Chastain
John and Ruth Cherry
Gerry and Carol Chrisman
Orla Christensen and Joan England
Larry and Jolee Clodfelter
Edwin Codner
Earl Coleman
Julianne Collins
Richard Collins
Stephen Conkling
Linda Conley
Richard Constantine
Marquis and Jo Cooke
James and Terry Coots
Thomas and Phyllis Corrigan
Ronald Coslett
Andrew Costello
Jane Coulston
Jeffery and Susan Covert
John and Carolyn Cragun
Carol Cramer
B. J. Crowel
Bruce and Sharon Miller Csaszar
Sherman and Patricia Murphy Dautel
Robert and Janice Davidson
Bruce and Anna Davis
John and Barbara Felch Day
Thomas and Shirley Deetz
Joseph and Nancee Delich
William DeTalvo
Douglas and Pamela Diehl
Richard Diemer
Wayne and Mary Jo Doebling
Robert Dolphin
Dennis and Leslie Drag
Betsey Dunaway
Laurence and Karen Dusold
Patricia Earnest
David and Ellen Easley
Bruce and Tricia Eastmond
Arlene Eggleston
Dennis and Janice Eickhoff
James and Janis Erb
William and Jimmie Espich
Robert and Katherine Kruggel Evans
Douglas and Christine Evans
Richard and Ann Falkner
Richard and Jeannette Findley
David Flanigan
John Fleck
Frederick and Julie Ulrey Foland Michael and Robbye Frank
Gilbert Frey
Peter Fruehman
Melvin Fujii
James and Catherine Gatman
Marilyn Geist
William and Dorothy Getz
Barry and Joanne Caudell Gibson
John Gilbert
George Gillespie
Donna Gollnick
Milan and Patricia Gorby
Barry and Paula Graden
Betty Gray
Larry Greulach
Carole Greulach
Larry and Helen Gruber
John and Jane Guagliardo
James and Bonnie Hajduk
John and Harriet Halkyard
Donn and Barbara Hancher
Carlo and Margaret Hansen
Jerome and Audrey Winzer Harness
Vincent and Sondra Harrell
Benjamin Haskins
Marshall and Janet Hedrick
Ellen Henderson
Leonard Wiener and
Edith Herman-Wiener
Kevin and Michelle Higgins
Gerald and Mary Hintz
Dennis and Virginia Hixenbaugh
Wayne Hockmeyer
Phillip and Cynthia Hofman
James Hogan
Keith and Nancy Honegger
John and Christine Hostetler
William Howard
Neil Huff
Karen Humphreys
John and Candace Hunter
Richard and Susan Hunziker
Sudhakar Ingle
Thomas and Kathy Jenkins
Edward Johnson
Kenneth and Jane Jonaitis
Ronald Jumps
Joseph and Kathleen Kaar
Raymond and Beverly Karcher
Charles Keen
Joseph Kelly
Eleanor Keppler
Robert and Pamela Krause King
Robert Kinnier
Ray and Diane Klassen
John Klesch
George Kmetz
Richard Knipstein
William and Gina Kornrumpf
Lawrence and Joyce Krueger
Stanley and Hollis Greenman Kuenn
Thomas and Marcia Kuhn
Paul Kuhnert
Richard and Gloria Patrick Kunz
William and Marilyn Kunz
Andris and Sharon Kurins
Michael Lane
Robert Lautner
Thomas Lawlis
William Leech
Charles and Aino Leedom
Steven and Mary Beth Leininger
Larry and Nancy LeMay
Virginia Lentz
William and Linda Linnemeier
James Lohman and Christine Rinta
Ann Foster Lohn
James and Mable Long
Donald and Sandra Lowes
Larry and Barbara Lukens
Edward and Barbara Arens Lukes
Gary Mamer
Thomas and Kathryn Marcotte
Ronald Martin
Thomas and Rita Mathern
Henry and Sharon Suydam Mattice
Henry and Sandra Mayer
Lee McClain
Michal McClure
Michael and Sandra McDonald
Terence McDowell
Carol McGuff
Thomas and Mary McKane
Chaunchy and Elaine McKearn
Michael and Katherine McManus
Donald and Marian Meinheit
Charles and Catherine Mekel
Emil and Beth Meyer
Edward and Sandra Michaels
Eugene and Judith Michaud
Kenneth and Ann Miller
Francis and Charlotte Miozzi
Dennis and Barbara Mishler
Sheridan Miszklevitz
Dwight Mix
Jeffrey and Roberta Monger
Edward and Sara Morgan
Diane Dupuis Morris
David Morris
Carl and Sharon Mueller
Daniel and Pamela Murray
Barbara Muskin
Max Muterspaugh
Mark and Marilyn Nataupsky
Charles and Janet Nelson
Daniel and Genny Norman
Ronald Nowicki
Mary O’Brien
Shinya and Hisako Ochiai
Wayne and Emily Oehlman
Robert and Royleen Shanta Owczarzak
Gerald and Mary Patrick
Ray Paulin
George and Jane Pavlina
Karel and Sherry Peck
John and Brenda Penn
Bailey Terry and Ricarda Martin Perez
Harvey and Phyllis Persinger
David and Pamela Pethick
John and Margaret Petraits
David and Deanna Pettyjohn
Charles and Marjorie Poore
Thomas and Kay Potenza
Arthur and Jeremy Powell
Albert Price
Charles Quakenbush
Michael Radecki
Robert and Linda Railey
Orlando and Paula Meese Raimondo
Marjorie Randolph
Darrel Reininga
Kenneth Ries
Martha Robbins
Samuel and Louise Robinson
Albert Rosendahl
Armine Rotramel
Richard Sander
Thomas and Joanne Sawyer
John Schattyn
Michael and DeEtte Scheetz
Charles and Carolyn Schlehuser
Joseph and Nancy Schoendorf
James Schomer
Phillip and Su-Esta Scott
Bruce Scranage
Jerry and Cheryl Searcy
Sheila Seibel
James and Lois Shaevel
Don and Marilyn Shalibo
Stephen and Jane Sharon
Timothy and Naizme Sheehan
Ronald and Patricia Sheffler
James and Karen Shields
Alan and Linda Siegel
Malcolm and Janet Sigmond
John Simkanich
Stephen and Judith Sindlinger
Robert and Genevieve Skrivan
Roger Smith
Donald and Joann Smith
Robert and Susan Smith
Robert and Barbara Smith
Richard Snider
Carl and Ina Snook
William and Marlene Snyder
Larry Spitznagle
Thomas Springer
Stephen Spurgeon
Thomas Staples
Theodore Stapleton
James and Barbara Stark
Arthur and Joyce Stemp
Dennis and Marilyn Stine
James and Joan Stiver
Kenneth and Charlotte Stuff
Frances Sweet
Robert and Lynn Swingle
John and Patricia Tancredi
Rita Thacker
William and Ann Thomas
Paul and Esther Timmeney
George and Judith Tkacz
Steve and Marsha Tokarski
Robert and Toni Tongue
Timothy and Dorothe Trick
Wayne and Barbara Trout
Stephen Troyer
Robert and Mary Van Siclen
James and Linda VanSlette
Rinda Vogelgesang
Daniel Wagner
Richard Waldrop
James and Lucy Walker
Michael Walsh
Phillip and Dorothy Wankat
Dwight and Shirley Washburn
Thomas and Pricilla Washer
Leon and Marysue Wechsler
Bernard Weinland
Max Wessler
Alden and Mary West
Robert White
Margaret Whiting
William and Marthena Wilder
Frank and Marcia Wiles
Elaine Wilson
David Workman
Terry and Margaret Yake
Michael and Carolyn Yanke
Gary and Rachel Yingling
William and Sherry Young
Garr Youngren
Robert Zetzl
Joseph and Ruby Matthies Zima
Melanie Zimmer
Mary Ann Zimmerman
It is never easy to have something you have enjoyed doing for so many years come to an end, however, all things do. It has been a remarkable thirteen and a half years. Purdue University has been my “perfect storm,” not in the traditional, negative connotation, but rather in a positive manner—the coming together of opportunities that enabled Libraries to further define and refine its role within Purdue University and make its mark in the profession.
When I arrived, Purdue Libraries, as all research libraries were in the early 21st century, was on the cusp of making the final transition from a print dominated world to a digital one. Processes and practices important in the past were becoming obsolete. As the world moved more toward a digital environment, Libraries had to make that transition, as well,to take advantage of new modes of scholarly communication to enable Libraries to most effectively benefit students and faculty alike.
No single person, not even a dean, can chart or determine the vision for an organization such as Purdue Libraries. It is a joint endeavor.During my time at Purdue, I have had remarkable colleagues within the Libraries administration, its faculty and staff who have made the Purdue Libraries one of the most innovative and creative research libraries in the United States, and some would say, the world. The support given to Purdue Libraries by the University administration and Purdue Trustees has been key to allowing Libraries to achieve the same level of recognition within the research library community that Purdue University has in the academic arena. As one long-time supporter of the Libraries, former Purdue Trustee John Hardin would say, “You can’t have a great university without a great library.” No truer statement has ever been made.
Finally, I want to note with great appreciation the work of the Dean’s Advisory Council comprised of Purdue alumni and friends whose support throughout these years has meant so much. Under the leadership of Larry Hiler, the DAC made commitments to raise funds and support initiatives within Libraries that have helped make it a national and world leader in innovation and creativity.
I depart at the end of 2017 knowing that Purdue Libraries ispoised for its next level of greatness through the leadership of the next Deanof Libraries of Purdue University.
Hail Purdue and Boiler Up!
In the photo, Dean Mullins is holding a dictionary he has owned for nearly 50 years. The well-worn edition of Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate was given to him by his late brother and sister-in-law for his high school graduation.