October 4th, 2024
On Thursday, September 26, eight Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies faculty members received awards at the teaching excellence awards banquet hosted by the Office of the Provost. Libraries faculty remain dedicated to advancing the field of information literacy through their curriculum and teaching, and we are proud to celebrate those who have gone above and beyond in doing so.
Teaching Academy membership
The Teaching Academy strives to bring together the best teaching faculty and graduate students across campus to create a collective voice for teaching excellence. Members are nominated and selected by their peers, and membership recognizes outstanding and scholarly teaching in graduate, undergraduate, or engagement programs of Purdue University.
New members: Pete Pascuzzi and Dave Zwicky
Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship Awards Program
The Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship Awards Program fosters continued excellence of teaching and learning, and facilitates the development of faculty members’ teaching potential. Junior fellows’ goals are to improve their teaching and develop mentorship skills in the program, and senior fellows are tasked with mentoring junior fellows and working with them to craft a plan that will help them to grow as educators.
Junior fellows: Annette Bochenek, Melissa Chomintra, Kristin Leaman
Senior fellow: Heather Howard
Teaching Leadership Award
The Teaching Leadership Award aims to foster a culture of teaching excellence and leadership by supporting instructors in designing and implementing developmental activities within their respective departments.
Recipients: Jing Lu and Zoe Mayhook
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