July 8th, 2015
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Harvard Library and Purdue University Libraries collaborated in hosting a two-day data management symposium at Harvard on June 16-17. The focus of the symposium centered on new roles for libraries as part of data management strategies during all parts of the research cycle. Attendees came from across the country. The Symposium more…
Filed under: D2C2, general, Open_Access, press_release, PSET, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Purdue University Libraries, Harvard collaborate to coordinate symposiumJanuary 23rd, 2015
Provost Deba Dutta and Dean of Libraries Jim Mullins presented the “Leadership in Open Access Award” to Purdue’s Department of Psychological Sciences, College of Health and Human Sciences, led by Professor Christopher Agnew, Department Head of Psychological Sciences. The award was given in recognition of the department’s leadership in depositing all scholarly communication and publications more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, scholcomm | Comments Off on Provost, Libraries present ‘Leadership in Open Access’ Award to Department of Psychological SciencesOctober 23rd, 2014
The Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) achieved significant milestones last month, celebrating over 100 open access dataset publications and 100 grants awards to Purdue researchers who have used PURR. In total, PURR has been included in the data management plans of over 1,000 grant proposals from principal investigators at Purdue. PURR is a virtual collaboration more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Expanding Open Data at Purdue: PURR Celebrates Open Access Dataset MilestonesOctober 21st, 2014
With making published scholarship and research open access, how can one see the impact it makes beyond numbers and figures? This also asks the bigger question – Does making my scholarship and research open access actually make a more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Tracking the Global Impact of Purdue Scholarship and Research: The Purdue e-Pubs Readership Activity MapOctober 21st, 2014
This week marks the 8th annual Open Access Week. Open Access week is a week-long global opportunity for the academic community to learn about the benefits of open access. Open access is the free immediate online access to the results of scholarly research and analysis. With so many groundbreaking discoveries and research findings occurring at more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Advancing Purdue Scholarship and Expanding Open Access: Purdue e-Pubs Surpasses 8.0 Million DownloadsApril 2nd, 2014
WEST LAFAYETTE, IN — Energy sustainability and climate change are the focus of a new book, published by Purdue University Press in collaboration with Purdue’s Global Policy Research Institute (GPRI). The book, Understanding the Global Energy Crisis, provides timely insights into one of grand challenges of our time and will be a valuable source of more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, scholcomm | Comments Off on Purdue University Press and the Global Policy Research Institute (GPRI) Publish New Book, Free Online for Global AudiencesMarch 25th, 2014
Databib (http://databib.org) is a tool for helping researchers identify and locate online repositories of research data that has been online since April 2012. It was initially developed by Purdue University under the leadership of Professor Michael Witt, Libraries, Head of the Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2), in collaboration with Penn State University and with funding more…
Filed under: D2C2, faculty_staff, general, Open_Access, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on DataCite, re3data.org, and Databib Announce CollaborationDecember 19th, 2013
In a recent DC Telegraph post, Digital Commons announced that there are now more than one million open access, full-text objects available across Digital Commons member repositories.
Filed under: Open_Access | Comments Off on Digital Commons Community Tops One Million Open Access Full-Text ObjectsDecember 11th, 2013
In a recent article published in The Guardian, Nobel winner Randy Schekman states why his lab will no longer send papers to the top-tier journals.
Filed under: Open_Access | Comments Off on Nobel Winner Declares Boycott of Top Science JournalsNovember 19th, 2013
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Litigation between Google and the Authors Guild that has been ongoing since 2005 has resulted in a win for Google and university libraries, including Purdue University Libraries. On November 14, 2013, Judge Denny Chin found in favor of Google and dismissed the lawsuit brought against them by the Authors Guild. more…
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