December 4th, 2013
Purdue University Libraries faculty member, Hal Kirkwood was inducted into the Book of Great Teachers on Dec. 2, 2013. He is pictured with Mitch Daniels, university president and Dale Whittaker, vice provost for academic affairs. Sixty-eight Purdue professors were honored December 2 when they were inducted into the Book of Great Teachers, which more…
Filed under: faculty_staff, general, MGMT, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Purdue University Libraries Faculty Member, Hal Kirkwood Inducted into the ‘Book of Great Teachers’November 20th, 2013
As part of the Libraries ongoing review of databases, the following has been recommended for cancellation by the subject specialist librarians: Stat!Ref. With the removal of some titles from Stat!Ref by their publishers and available alternative access to other titles, Stat!Ref has been cancelled and will no longer be available starting Nov. 25th. Drug information more…
Filed under: CIRC-SERV, collections, faculty_staff, general, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm, services | Comments Off on Stat! Ref Database no Longer Available through Purdue University Libraries Effective, Nov. 25November 19th, 2013
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Litigation between Google and the Authors Guild that has been ongoing since 2005 has resulted in a win for Google and university libraries, including Purdue University Libraries. On November 14, 2013, Judge Denny Chin found in favor of Google and dismissed the lawsuit brought against them by the Authors Guild. more…
Filed under: faculty_staff, general, Open_Access, press_release, scholcomm | Comments Off on Google Books Copyright Lawsuit Win is a Significant Victory for University Libraries, including PurdueNovember 15th, 2013
Welcome to Database of the Week. This feature from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics is intended to give you a brief introduction to a database that you may not know, with only basic information to get you started. Hopefully, you will be tempted to explore this or other databases.. This Week’s more…
Filed under: database, events, general, MGMT, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Purdue University Libraries Database of the Week: Dissertations & Theses, from ProquestNovember 13th, 2013
WEST LAFAYETTE, IN — Each year students from all disciplines submit abstract proposals in hopes of being accepted to be published as either an article or snapshot in the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research (JPUR). JPUR showcases the best undergraduate research at Purdue and highlights the student as the author. The first deadline for proposals more…
Filed under: events, general, press_release, scholcomm | Comments Off on JPUR Abstract Proposal Deadline is Nov. 15November 8th, 2013
(Published Oct. 25 by Ian Chant, Library Journal) Agricultural research can take seasons to come to fruition, meaning the data researchers gather is voluminous, tracking things like weather patterns and crop yields over years. A failure to establish data standards and sharing practices means that most of these raw figures never make it out of more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Purdue Team of Scientists, Librarians are the Driving Force behind new Agricultural Data-Sharing Techniques (From Oct. 25, 2013 Library Journal)November 7th, 2013
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – The College of Agriculture, with support from Purdue University Libraries, is seeking to recruit graduate students in the College of Agriculture for a semester-long pilot data literacy program to be offered in spring of 2014 with some limited follow-up in the fall. The course will teach graduate students the knowledge and more…
Filed under: D2C2, faculty_staff, general, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on College of Agriculture, Purdue University Libraries Seek Graduate Students for Semester-Long Data Literacy Pilot ProgramNovember 7th, 2013
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – The College of Agriculture, with support from Purdue University Libraries, is seeking to recruit graduate students in the College of Agriculture for a semester-long pilot data literacy program to be offered in spring of 2014 with some limited follow-up in the fall. The course will teach graduate students the knowledge and more…
Filed under: D2C2, faculty_staff, general, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on College of Agriculture, Purdue University Libraries Seek Graduate Students for Semester-Long Data Literacy Pilot ProgramOctober 31st, 2013
WEST LAFAYETTE, IN — Purdue University Libraries is helping connect researchers to their research by participating in ORCID, a non-profit organization that registers researchers’ identities and links them across different systems that manage scholarly information, associating researchers with their publications, grants and patents. ORCID also helps researchers, especially those with common names to get appropriate more…
Filed under: D2C2, general, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm, Uncategorized | Comments Off on ORCID Grant Enables Purdue University Libraries to Connect Researchers to their ResearchOctober 30th, 2013
The Universal streaming archive of the October 25, 2013 “Scientific Reproducibility: Opportunities and Challenges for Open Research Data and Code” presentation by Victoria Stodden is available for online viewing at the following URL: Victoria Stodden Presentation Abstract: It is now widely recognized that the traditional published article is insufficient to permit verification of computational results. more…
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