October 26th, 2018
Purdue University Libraries has established an Open Access Publishing Fund to support Purdue faculty, students, and staff (on the West Lafayette campus) who wish to publish their research in fully Open Access journals. According to Scholarly Publishing Specialist Nina Collins, individuals may apply for up to $2,000 to offset charges to publish in scholarly peer-reviewed journals.
Collins noted Purdue Libraries is launching the “OA Publishing Fund” pilot project this week to help celebrate the benefits of Open Access for research and scholarship during the 11th annual International Open Access Week (Oct. 22-28).
Information about how to submit an application to request OA publishing support and the link to the online application form are available at www.lib.purdue.edu/openaccess/fund.
The Libraries’ Open Access website has also been redesigned and is now live at www.lib.purdue.edu/openaccess (the link can also be found directly on the Libraries’ home page). The website includes a map that shows live, real-time downloads—totaling more than 17 million—from Purdue E-Pubs, Purdue University’s Open Access repository for scholarly works.
“Purdue University Libraries has long been a proponent of Open Access,” Collins said. “While we support initiatives that provide discounts on article processing charges, these fees continue to be out of reach for many. This fund seeks to both support research activities at Purdue University, as well as to increase discovery and visibility of Purdue University research outputs.”
For more information, contact Collins at nkcollin@purdue.edu.
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