October 8th, 2019
Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Regional Business News, brought to you by EBSCO Industries, Inc.
Link: The List of Business Databases is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: Provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications, incorporating 75 business news magazines, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Tutorial: Click Getting Started with Regional Business News see the basics of using Regional Business News.
Start with this hint: Use the search bar on the homepage to begin a simple search by keyword, then use the filters on the left side of the page to narrow your results.
Why you should know this database: Regional Business News provides full text coverage of publications such as The Washington Post and Investor’s Business Daily, dating back to 1990
Related Resources
Some other resources you might want to explore, are:
This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact parrlib@purdue.edu. Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.
Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to parrlib@purdue.edu.
Filed under: database, general, MGMT if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>August 22nd, 2019
Seven Purdue University Libraries and School of Information (PULSIS) faculty members are part of three of five research teams to receive funding in Purdue University’s second round of research for the Integrative Data Science Initiative (IDSI).
According to the IDSI website, the vision for the initiative is “to be at the forefront of advancing data science-enabled research and education by tightly coupling theory, discovery, and applications while providing students with an integrated, data science-fluent campus ecosystem.”
The three research projects with PULSIS faculty members are also are led by PULSIS faculty as the principal investigators.
The PULSIS projects and researchers are as follows:
For more information, visit www.purdue.edu/data-science/education/education-proposals.php.
Filed under: Faculty E-Newsletter, faculty_staff, general, press_release, PSET if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>August 6th, 2019
Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Business Source Complete, brought to you by EBSCO Industries, Inc.
Link: http://guides.lib.purdue.edu/az.php?s=71213 is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: Provides indexing to more than 3,000 publications, including nearly 1,600 peer-reviewed journals in business such as marketing, accounting, finance, international business, and more.
Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using Business Source Complete.
Start with this hint: Use the publications tab to browse country reports, industry profiles, market research reports, SWOT analyses.
Why you should know this database: Business Source Complete also includes SWOT analyses, company and industry profiles, and market research reports.
Related Resources
Some other resources you might want to explore, are:
This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact parrlib@purdue.edu. Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.
Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to parrlib@purdue.edu.
Filed under: database, general, MGMT if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>July 18th, 2019
Editor’s Note: Content in this post is courtesy of Stephanie Hernandez McGavin via Shared BigData-Gateway
A team of Purdue University researchers is among the seven fellowship teams selected for the first class of the Collaborative Archive Data Research Environment (CADRE) Fellows.
These seven fellowship teams span across disciplines and offer compelling research that incorporates big data and bibliometrics. Each fellow team will access CADRE’s Web of Science (WoS) and Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) datasets to achieve their research goals.
The three-member Purdue University team will work on the project, “Utilizing Data Citation for Aggregating, Contextualizing, and Engaging with Research Data in STEM Education Research.” The researchers are:
Per the description of their project: “Researchers will characterize citation of data from the literature in the field of STEM education research. A sample of relevant publication venues in the field will be identified from WoS and MAG. Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) of datasets registered with DataCite will be used to query and associate datasets with publications. The team will assess rates of citation for datasets that are cited using DataCite DOIs for each publication venue and analyze a sample of data citations and publications to determine suitability for providing an initial context to help a researcher who is unfamiliar with the data determine whether to use the dataset.”
The other six teams and their CADRE research projects are listed at https://blogs.libraries.indiana.edu/sbd-gateway/2019/07/18/cadre-first-fellows/.
The Fellows will present their research at the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) 2019 Conference in Rome at either the workshop or tutorial that CADRE is hosting on Sept. 2.
Not only will these fellows show how CADRE helped advance their work, but they will also serve as integral use cases for how the CADRE platform is developed to suit the needs of every type of academic researcher.
The Shared BigData Gateway for Research Libraries (SBD-G) is a two-year Institute of Museum and Library Services-funded project to develop, seed, and maintain a cloud-based, extendable cyberinfrastructure for sharing large academic library data resources with a growing community of scholars.
SBD-G will achieve this through its platform, the Collaborative Archive & Data Research Environment (CADRE).
For more information, visit https://blogs.libraries.indiana.edu/sbd-gateway/2018/09/27/hello-world/.
Filed under: Faculty E-Newsletter, faculty_staff, general, Uncategorized if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>July 9th, 2019
Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Morningstar Investment Research Center, brought to you by Morningstar, Inc.
Link: http://guides.lib.purdue.edu/az.php?s=71213 is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: Morningstar Investments Research Center offers up-to-date information on 20,000 stocks and mutual funds, and allows screening using a variety of criteria.
Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using Morningstar Investment Research Center.
Start with this hint: Direct links to stock analyst reports, fund analyst reports, and ETF analyst reports are available on the homepage.
Why you should know this database: Morningstar Investment Research provides minute-to-minute stock price data in addition to historical stock price information.
Related Resources
Some other resources you might want to explore, are:
This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact parrlib@purdue.edu. Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.
Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to parrlib@purdue.edu.
Filed under: database, general, MGMT if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>June 4th, 2019
Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring CareerBeam, brought to you by CareerArc Group LLC.
Link: http://guides.lib.purdue.edu/az.php?s=71213 is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: CareerBeam provides access to career assessments, resume and cover letter development tools, search strategies and research databases and integrates them into one portal. Please note that a person account or registration is required to access CareerBeam.
Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using CareerBeam.
Start with this hint: Complete your “Quick Profile” under the Career Exploration tab to access an analysis of your values, interests, and personality.
Why you should know this database: The tools and resources available through CareerBeam can help identify industries and areas you might work best in. It can also help you decide what you’re looking for in a career and where you begin.
Related Resources
Some other databases you might want to explore, are:
This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact parrlib@purdue.edu. Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.
Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to parrlib@purdue.edu.
Filed under: database, general, MGMT if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>May 29th, 2019
On Thursday, May 23, a Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations was held at Purdue University. Ashlee Messersmith, manager, thesis/dissertation, The Graduate School at Purdue University, and Michael Witt, associate professor, Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies, organized the event, with support from the United States Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA).
By Michael Witt, Head, Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2), and Associate Professor of Library Science
The presenters at the Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) highlighted a wide variety of creative works produced by graduate students in earning their degrees, such as:
Graduate students will typically prepare and defend a written thesis, even if their research can be communicated in a more meaningful or impactful format than a document. There are other examples, such as software source code and research data, videos and photos from exhibits and performances, mixed media, dynamic websites, and much more produced by students; but this type of content is often left out of a traditional thesis.
In some cases, these non-traditional works could be considered as the primary product of the students’ scholarship — without the need for a written thesis.
Recent changes to the policies of Purdue’s Graduate School reflect a progressive approach and support for non-traditional theses, embracing both the opportunities and challenges they present for the Purdue’s faculty, thesis office, and libraries.
“As emerging technologies continue to influence higher education, we needed to set a precedent through which students are permitted to express their creativity,” Messersmith explained. “Exploring these influences and their implications was the focus of the symposium, which was held in the Wilmeth Active Learning Center. We invited experts to share ideas and brainstorm with participants who supervise theses and manage the processes and platforms for producing and archiving them.”
The opening keynote presentation by Professor and Dean of Libraries at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Martin Halbert addressed the landscape and life cycle of electronic theses and dissertations, as well as the ETDPlus resource.
The closing keynote, delivered by Jean-Pierre Hérubel, professor, Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies, dove into the history and culture of the doctoral dissertation, as well as variations and transformations of its purpose and form.
Other presentations from Purdue faculty and staff explored issues related to student perspectives, digital humanities, graduate college policies, research data management, digital preservation, and scholarly publishing. Throughout the symposium, participants discussed important questions related to sharing current practices; interfacing with faculty to observe and respect local cultures related to credentialing students; identifying concerns and opportunities for graduate colleges, libraries, and technology providers; and increasing collaboration within the University and among universities. A lively round of lightning talks in the afternoon featured specific examples of theses that challenge conventions from other universities.
Presentation slides and collaborative notes from the symposium are available on Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies’ e-Pubs repository at https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/etdgiantleaps/.
Filed under: events, faculty_staff, general if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>
May 5th, 2019
Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Uniworld, brought to you by Uniworld.
Link: http://guides.lib.purdue.edu/az.php?s=71213 is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: Uniworld contains up-to-date multinational business contact information with listings in over 200 countries, including information on American firms operating in foreign countries and foreign firms operating in the United States.
Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using Uniworld.
Start with this hint: Use the company search page to search for companies by keyword, headquarter location, subsidiaries, or zip code.
Why you should know this database: Uniworld provides accessible, comprehensive contact information on over 20,000 industries that is researched and reviewed daily.
Related Resources
Some other databases you might want to explore, are:
This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact parrlib@purdue.edu. Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.
Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to parrlib@purdue.edu.
Filed under: database, general, MGMT if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>April 9th, 2019
Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring Factiva, brought to you by Dow Jones & Company.
Link: http://guides.lib.purdue.edu/az.php?s=71213 is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: Factiva is a global information resource that provides full-text access to top national and international newspapers (including full text of the Wall Street Journal), newswires, business journals, market research reports, analyst reports and websites.
Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using Factiva.
Start with this hint: Create a simple search using the Home button and search by keyword, company name, or industry. Use the search options to narrow the results by sources or by date.
Why you should know this database: Factiva contains over 8000 publications with content from 118 countries in 22 languages and updated daily. 74% of Factiva’s premium news sources are not available on the free web and thousands more are available via Factiva on or before the date of publication by the source.
Related Resources
Some other databases you might want to explore, are:
This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact parrlib@purdue.edu. Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.
Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to parrlib@purdue.edu.
Filed under: database, general, MGMT if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>March 5th, 2019
Parrish Library’s Featured Database will give you a very brief introduction to the basic features of one of our specialized subscription databases. This time we’re featuring GoinGlobal, founded by Mary Anne Thompson.
Link: http://guides.lib.purdue.edu/az.php?s=71213 is the alphabetical list of the databases specially selected for those in a business program of study. Access the databases off-campus with your Purdue login and password.
Focus: GoinGlobal provides access to country-specific career information such as advice for finding employment opportunities, including business and networking groups, job search resources, cost of living data, and city career guides.
Tutorial: Click here see the basics of using GoinGlobal.
Start with this hint: Access career guides by country, global city, and US city from the homepage; including hiring opportunities, resume and interview help, and networking information.
Why you should know this database: Going Global also has H1B employer petitions from the US Department of Labor by location in the USA/Canada, and additional searches by job title, occupation, employer, wage, and other fields, and country-specific company profiles.
Related Resources
Some other databases you might want to explore, are:
You can access many more career search resources on the Career Research Portal homepage.
This Featured Database comes to you from the Roland G. Parrish Library of Management & Economics. If you would like more information about this database, or if you would like a demonstration of it for a class, contact parrlib@purdue.edu. Also let us know if you know of a colleague who would benefit from this, or future Featured Databases.
Since usage statistics are an important barometer when databases are up for renewal, tell us your favorite database, and we will gladly promote it. Send an email to parrlib@purdue.edu.
Filed under: database, general, MGMT if(!is_single()) echo "|"; ?>