November 12th, 2020
This post is part of the blog tour hosted by the Association of University Presses in celebration of University Press week. To see the rest of the posts in the tour, click here.
The theme of University Press Week this year is Raise UP, this theme highlights the role that the university press community plays in elevating authors, subjects, and whole disciplines that bring new perspectives, ideas, and voices to readers around the globe. The theme for today’s blog tour is “scientific voices”, and we’re highlighting our book series New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond.
The idea that animals can have a positive impact on humans is not a new one. Pets are an accepted part of life and at places like college campuses you’ll often see events held with puppies, kittens, and other adorable animals intended to boost morale during especially stressful times. Unfortunately, many still balk when they hear terms like “emotional support animal”, when reactions can range from citing a “lack of scientific evidence” to accusing owners of using the term to get a “normal pet” into places they would otherwise not be allowed.
Fortunately, research continues to be done that can provide powerful testimonial to the relationship between humans and animals. Our book series New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond provides an outlet to this research, and sheds light on the many benefits that it can offer.
“There are many important things that have emerged from recent human-animal interaction research.” said Maggie E. O’Haire, Associate Professor of Human-Animal Interaction at Purdue University and one of the series editors of the series. “For me, I am always excited to see quantifiable metrics for behavior and physiology that are impacted by interactions with animals. For example, our recent work identified that veterans with service dogs show a different pattern in their stress response hormone cortisol.”
O’Haire contributed a chapter to last year’s book Transforming Trauma: Resilience and Healing Through Our Connections With Animals edited by Philip Tedeschi and Molly Anne Jenkins. A perfect example of the positive impact the series makes, the authors examine research developments, models, and practical applications of human-animal connection and animal-assisted intervention for diverse populations who have experienced trauma.
“In a field that has historically been characterized by a reliance on emotional intuition, our goal is to bring strong science to understanding how, why, and when the human-animal bond can influence human mental health and wellness. The Purdue University Press series on New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond offers exciting and engaging scholarly resources to address the latest topics in the field.” said O’Haire. “I am also constantly inspired by the pioneering work of our Center Director, Dr. Alan Beck, who has paved the way to answer many of the questions current scholars pose.”
Beck, the director of the Center for the Human-Animal Bond at Purdue University, is a longtime expert on the dynamic relationship between people and animals and how each influences the psychological and physiological state of the other. He’s also the other series editor for New Directions in the Human Animal Bond and has even contributed a few books himself.
“All indications are that companion animals play the role of a family member, often, a member with the most desired attributes. Ordinary interactions with animals can reduce blood pressure and improve survival after a heart attack. Animal contact can improve mood, encourage exercise, and help people better deal with stress. Pets, for some, afford increased opportunities to meet people, while for others; pets permit people to be alone without being lonely.” said Beck. “When done correctly, the interaction benefits both people and the animals—a bond that is significant and mutual.”
Clearly there is no shortage of interaction between humans and animals, and our series seeks to represent the breadth of research being done. Some recent books include:
The impact of this research is clear, and Purdue University Press hopes our role in lifting up the voices of these researchers and authors will help many reap the benefits. Alan Beck may put it best.
“People benefit from their relationship with nature and the living world, and for many it is their relationship with tame and domesticated animals. Every culture has some version of the relationship. Our companion animals permit people to continue to enjoy their inborn desires to nurture throughout their life.”
You can learn more about Maggie O’Haire’s research with veterans and service dogs here.
You can get 30% off human-animal bond books, and all other Purdue University Press titles by entering the code PURDUE30 at checkout on our website.
Other #UPWeek blog posts:
University of Alabama Press
#RaisingUP Scientific Voices with NEXUS Series
A conversation with series editors Alan Marcus, Alexandra Hui, and Mark Hersey
Purdue University Press
Raising Up the Science behind the Human-Animal Bond
Princeton University Press
Six Impossible Things
Ingrid Gnerlich
Bristol University Press
The Relevance of Science Communication in the Era of COVID
Claire Wilkinson
Indiana University Press
Science and Critical Thinking
Donald R. Prothero
University of Toronto Press
Science Writing in a Time of Crisis
Mireille F. Ghoussoub
Scientific Trust in the Era of COVID-19
Lacey Cranston
Vanderbilt University Press
Stories from the Natural World
A book trailer for Between the Rocks and the Stars
Columbia University Press
6 Things to Consider before Applying to PhD Programs
Ashley Juavinett
Oregon State University Press
Rebuilding Ecological Resilience
Bruce A. Byers
November 4th, 2019
This post is written by Purdue University Press Director Justin Race. It is part of the blog tour hosted by the Association of University Presses in celebration of University Press week. To see the rest of the posts in the tour, click here.
The theme of University Press Week this year is “Read. Think. Act.”. It was chosen to emphasize the role that scholarly publishers can play in moving national and international conversations forward on critical and complex issues. The theme of today’s blog tour is “How to Be a Better (Global) Citizen”.
A week shy of my one-year anniversary with Purdue University Press, it’s a natural time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we hope to go in the future. Every Press comes with its unique legacy. In our case, several premier series that have been leaders in their fields for years, such as New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond and Central European Studies. We have a rich history of publishing Holocaust memoirs—horrific in circumstance, but uplifting that these individuals survived, triumphed, and were able to tell their stories. Books like Eva and Otto are all the more important given so many people did not survive and were effectively silenced.
Our Founders Series has been chronicling the history of Purdue for decades, ensuring that with each graduating class and retiring faculty and staff member, a record persists of what Purdue meant at given points in its 150-year history. We were honored to release two titles this past year celebrating Purdue’s sesquicentennial: Ever True: 150 Years of Giant Leaps at Purdue University and Purdue at 150: A Visual History of Student Life. And finally, our Aeronautics and Astronautics Series, which just released Dear Neil: Letters to the First Man from All Mankind—a book that is both local and global. Armstrong went to Purdue before he went to the moon. He walked across campus before he leapt on behalf of all people.
That’s both a lot to stand on and a lot to live up to—more than 700 books published over 59 years. Next year we turn 60, and we’ll be adding 30 more titles to that total. A university press is your next-door neighbor and your pen pal on the other side of the globe. To browse our website is to see a history of Purdue next to a history of Yugoslavia. Though speaking to different audiences, what unites our titles is the time, energy, and rigor that go into all our books, which are meant to make an impact today and remain relevant for years to come.
Books do many things, but for university presses in particular they inform. They educate. They shed light on a sliver of history or a place you’ve never visited or a person you’ve never met. They introduce ideas you may have never considered or challenge you to reexamine your thinking on a topic you believed you knew well. Ideally study leads to reflection, which leads to understanding. And from understanding it’s a small leap to empathy. The world is a smaller, more interconnected place than it’s ever been. We have no choice but to speak to one another. Books ensure we listen and truly hear one another instead of talking past or yelling at one another. That’s the value of a university press. To be a part of that is what I’m celebrating as my first year comes to a close. To grow and add to it is what I’m looking forward to as my second year begins.
University of Florida Press: Carl Lindskoog, author of Detain and Punish: Haitian Refugees and the Rise of the World’s Largest Immigration Detention System, provides a list of actions individuals can take if they are concerned about the detention crisis at the US border.
University of Virginia Press: Excerpt from Amitai Etzioni’s latest book, Reclaiming Democracy, in which he explains how recent global threats to democracy demand the response of a social movement on the scale of the civil rights or environmental movements. Etzioni lays out the requirements and opportunities to achieve such a movement.
Georgetown University Press: A post highlighting ways to be a better global citizen in the context of the global refugee crisis according to David Hollenbach’s Humanity in Crisis: Ethical and Religious Response to Refugees.
University of Wisconsin Press: Focuses on book and journal readings that highlight scholars who are engaging with concepts of global citizenship and influencing public policy to improve global situations.
University of Minnesota Press: Ian G. R. Shaw previews his manifesto for building a future beyond late-stage capitalism, drawing up alternate ways to “make a living” beyond what we’re conditioned for.
University of Nebraska Press: Guest post from Robin Hemley, author of Borderline Citizen, on what it means to be a transnational citizen.
University of Toronto Press: An exclusive excerpt from one of the first two books in our New Jewish Press imprint: The Conflict over the Conflict: The Israel/Palestine Campus Debate by Kenneth S. Stern. As the director of the Bard Center for the Study of Hate, Stern offers some brilliant advice on how we can all think rationally and compassionately in order to be better global citizens.
Vanderbilt University Press: A post looking at ways to practice active citizenship, with an excerpt from Awakening Democracy through Public Work by Harry C. Boyte.
University of North Carolina Press: Alex Dika Seggerman, author of Modernism on the Nile, on how art historians can use a global perspective to rethink the underlying narratives of modernism.
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