August 31st, 2018
The scholarly publishing landscape has changed more in the last 20 years than the last 300 years. Every year, we see the rise of new technologies and innovations in scholarly publishing, and in many ways, the rapid change has made it difficult for the remainder of the scholarly community to keep pace. Unfortunately, not all more…
Filed under: faculty_staff, general, Open_Access, services, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Predatory Publishing and Purdue Faculty: What You Need to KnowApril 6th, 2018
Learn about how faculty and staff at Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries are building research infrastructure to support open scholarship for a range of disciplines—spanning the sciences to the humanities—at the Purdue University Libraries’ upcoming guest talk by Sayeed Choudhury. The Associate Dean for Research Data Management and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release | Comments Off on Johns Hopkins Libraries Dean to Present “Research Infrastructure for Open Scholarship” April 26 in Stewart CenterDecember 15th, 2017
In 2018, the long respected publication Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies welcomes a new look, a new schedule, and new editors. Purdue University Press reflects upon and celebrates the past 35 successful volumes in preparation for the Association for Jewish Studies annual conference, where the future of Shofar will be unveiled in our more…
Filed under: Open_Access, press_release | Comments Off on Shofar: A 35-Year RetrospectiveOctober 23rd, 2017
This week is International Open Access Week, and Purdue University Libraries is joining libraries and other learning and educational institutions and organizations across the globe to celebrate the benefits of “opening up access to research and scholarship.” As part of the Open Access Week celebration, Purdue Libraries is hosting Brian Hole, CEO of Ubiquity Press, more…
Filed under: events, general, Open_Access, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Purdue Libraries Celebrating Open Access Week (Oct. 23-29)January 20th, 2017
“Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Open Access ensures that anyone can access and use these results—to turn ideas into industries and breakthroughs into better lives.” — Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) Long-time Open Access more…
Filed under: Open_Access | Comments Off on Open Access Advocate to Speak at Purdue University Libraries Jan. 26January 18th, 2017
Purdue University Press Book Previews is a new initiative from the Purdue University Libraries Scholarly Publishing Division and their open access text repository, Purdue e-Pubs. PUP Book Previews, created from the first proofs of the book to include several pieces of the front matter and first chapter, will provide an early look at forthcoming books. more…
Filed under: Open_Access | Comments Off on Purdue University Press Book PreviewsJanuary 18th, 2017
Purdue University Press Book Previews is a new initiative from the Purdue University Libraries Scholarly Publishing Division and their open access text repository, Purdue e-Pubs. PUP Book Previews, created from the first proofs of the book to include several pieces of the front matter and first chapter, will provide an early look at forthcoming books. more…
Filed under: Open_Access | Comments Off on Purdue University Press Book PreviewsOctober 24th, 2016
Open Access Week is a global celebration to raise awareness of open access in scholarship and research. OA Week is an invaluable chance to connect the global momentum toward open sharing with the advancement of policy changes on the local level. Open Access Week is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, scholcomm | Comments Off on Scholarly Publishing Celebrates 8th Annual Open Access WeekJuly 26th, 2016
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded $750,000 to Purdue University to support a unique approach to research, scholarly publishing and communications on global grand challenges. The approach at Purdue is unique in two ways. First, it catalyzes the involvement of humanists and social scientists in grand challenges research, innovation and more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awards $750,000 to ‘Grand Challenges’ research, publishing at PurdueApril 18th, 2016
Purdue University Libraries has developed a new information literacy mission statement to guide students, faculty and staff in fostering successful learning at Purdue. The new statement is: “Purdue University Libraries’ research-based information literacy programming empowers Purdue’s diverse communities of learners to use information critically to learn and to create new knowledge, fostering academic, personal and more…
Filed under: general, Open_Access, press_release, RSRCH, scholcomm | Comments Off on Purdue Libraries revamps information literacy statement