January 9th, 2017
Happy New Year! It’s officially 2017! The new year is a new beginning, a fresh start. It is all about resolutions, change, and challenging yourself. Kick off this year and make it your resolution to become a more avid reader.
You can do this by reading an array of books, books by the same author, or even by completing a reading challenge. Purdue Press is here to help, below are ideas to get you started accompanied with some of our published books.
Reread a book from your childhood.
Read a book from a new genre.
Read a book that became a film.
Read a previously banned book.
Read a book by your favorite author.
Purdue University Press publishes in a variety of areas to help you tackle your 2017 New Year’s Reading Resolution: aerospace, agriculture, animal science, Purdue and Indiana, and more. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to discover what’s to come in 2017! #PurdueUP #ReadUP
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