December 2018

In This Issue…
A Slam Dunk for the “Engineering in the World of Data” Community | Toy Design Triumph: Libraries Staff Assists with Last-Minute Changes to Students’ Product Prototype | LCSSAC Corner: Check It Out | Purdue Libraries in the News | Libraries Staff Recognition Event and Craft Show | Faculty Presentations, Publication, Awards, Accomplishments | STEM Librarian: Outreach Not for the “Faint of Heart”

A Slam Dunk for the “Engineering in the World of Data” Learning Community

You know it’s going to be a good week when your university’s head basketball coach crashes your Monday morning class as a guest lecturer. That’s what happened recently to students Alex Ishac (Chandler, AZ) and Rebecca Hanna (Chicago, IL), who are two of the 53 individuals enrolled in the “Engineering in the World of Data” Learning Community at Purdue University.

A Slam Dunk for the “Engineering in the World of Data” Learning Community

Purdue Head Men’s Basketball Coach Matt Painter poses with the instructors and students in the “Engineering of the World of Data” learning community in Mackey Arena. Photo courtesy of Teresa Walker, Purdue School of Engineering Education.

Purdue Men’s Basketball Head Coach Matt Painter crashed a class of the first-year engineering course, ENGR 103, which was held in Mackey Arena to demonstrate the application of data science in sports. The course, “Developing Your Data Mind,” was designed by Libraries faculty Michael Witt and Nastasha Johnson as a part of the learning community, in collaboration with colleagues from the Purdue College of Engineering, Department of English, and University Residences. Read more…

Toy Design Triumph: Libraries Staff Assists with Last-Minute Changes to Students’ Product Prototype

Gabriel Ng, Rohit Srivastava, Delaney Sunbury, and Joseph “Joey” Baietto with their “Fidget Cube” they designed and developed a prototype for in their ME 444 course, “Toy Design.”

Gabriel Ng, Rohit Srivastava, Delaney Sunbury, and Joseph “Joey” Baietto with their “Fidget Cube” they designed and developed a prototype for in their ME 444 course, “Toy Design.”

We’ve all been there—in that situation where a last-minute change to a project or a plan can evoke panic-inducing visions of the entire thing going up in flames. For college students, end-of-semester papers and projects can be rife with this kind of hiccup, and many times, at such a critical juncture, the support and resources provided by faculty and staff can make or break such an assignment.

Recently, when Gabriel Ng (Overland Park, KS), a senior biomedical engineering major, and his fellow group-project members in Purdue’s Mechanical Engineering (ME) 444, “Toy Design,” course had a last-minute change to a toy product prototype, he and his team received such support from staff in Purdue Libraries—support that was critical for the project’s success. With the help of Library Assistant Robin Meher and her fellow employees in the Data Visualization Experience Lab of Purdue (D-VELoP) located in the Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC), the students were able to get the project—the “Fidget Cube”—completed and turned in on time. Read more…

LCSSAC Corner: Check It Out!
by Sandy Galloway
Welcome to LCSSAC Corner in VOLUMe! This corner of VOLUMe will be about what is happening with the Purdue Libraries staff, including activities, accomplishments, upcoming events, etc. If you have something that you would like included in this corner, please send it to Sandy Galloway at

Mary Sego was recognized for her efforts in the Purdue Libraries' 2018 United Way Fundraising campaign with the Rookie of the Year Award. Sego (left) is pictured here with Interim Dean of Libraries Rhonda Phillips, who served as chair of the Purdue University 2018 United Way campaign.Sego Receives Rookie of the Year Award for United Way
Many of you know that Mary Sego was the 2018 Libraries United Way Chair. She should really be commended for her tireless effort on behalf of United Way this year! I know United Way is proud of her, and she represented the Libraries so admirably with her hard work, dedication, and innovative ideas.

Not only did she spearhead the Libraries’ fund raising efforts, but she also helped promote literacy, a strategic goal of the Libraries, by collecting and donating hundreds of books to United Way’s “Read to Succeed” program. Read more…

Purdue Libraries in the News

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Karen Fields for 45 years of service at Purdue Libraries.Purdue Libraries’ Annual Staff Recognition Event and Craft Show
Personnel in Purdue Libraries showcased their
creativity and were recognized for their service
at the Libraries’ annual Staff Recognition Event
and Craft Show held Thursday, Dec. 6 in
Stewart Center. Faculty and staff new to the Purdue Libraries in 2018 were also recognized, as were two individuals who served on Libraries’ staff advisory committees. Read more…

Faculty Presentations, Publications, Awards, Accomplishments

“Global Defense Procurement and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter”: Q&A with Author and Purdue Libraries Professor Bert Chapman

STEM Librarian: Outreach Not for “Faint of Heart” on JOVE

© Purdue University Libraries 2018

Editorial Inquiries
Teresa Koltzenburg
Director of Strategic Communication