Parrish Library student employee Mary Zhu (left) was the 2018 recipient of the Dorothy Newby McCaw Scholarship, and Purdue University Press student employee Sarah Merryman was the 2018 recipient of the Albert Viton Scholarship.
by Anna Subramaniam
On behalf of the Libraries Student Award & Scholarship Committee, we are pleased to announce there are five awards/scholarships available this year. Supervisors and students will receive an email about the application process. Please encourage and support our student staff members to apply for the appropriate award and/or scholarship. The application deadline is February 1, 2019
The PULSE Award
This award was created by the Purdue Libraries Circulation/Reserve Team in 2004. Initial funding was initiated through garage sales, a craft/bake sale, and individual donations. In the first year, $1,445.80 was raised from 40 donors. Contributions continued to be added throughout the year, with the goal of reaching the $20,000 amount necessary to endow the award.
In 2004, Dean of Libraries Emeritus James Mullins, led a fundraising challenge and agreed to match pledges from the Dean’s Fund dollar for dollar. In 2005, endowment efforts were achieved with the efforts and contributions of Purdue graduates Mike and Judy Humnicky of California, who both spent their time at Purdue (1966-70) employed by the Libraries. The first two awards were presented in May 2004. This year three (3) $1,000 awards are available.
The Dorothy Newby McCaw Scholarship
In 2004, Dorothy Newby McCaw found a meaningful way to honor her friend: she endowed the Dorothy Newby McCaw Scholarship for Libraries Student Workers in honor of Emily R. Mobley, former Libraries Dean. McCaw established the scholarship in honor of Dean Mobley’s retirement as a way to recognize her many accomplishments during the 12 years of her deanship. The scholarship fulfilled one of Mobley’s goals as dean—to recognize top student workers in the Libraries. The first scholarship was awarded in 2007. This year, one $2,500 scholarship is available.
The Dr. Albert Viton Scholarship
In 2006, Dr. Albert Viton, author and retired economist, endowed a scholarship to be awarded
annually to a student employee from the Purdue University Press or the Libraries. His desire is that this scholarship will make a significant impact on students’ lives and education while at Purdue. Viton became associated with the Press with the publication of his book, The International Sugar Agreements: Promise and Reality in 2004. The first scholarship was awarded in 2007. This year, one $2,500 scholarship is available.
Important Information
All student staff members should receive e-mail notification about this opportunity, but please make sure they are aware of these awards and scholarships, and of the February 1 deadline. Supervisors, please be aware of your part of the application process and the deadline of February 15, 2019. Students will not be considered without your recommendations as part of the application process.
The URL for the information and applications is: www.lib.purdue.edu/pulsescholar
Remind your senior-year student staff members that they are eligible for the PULSE award if they meet the other criteria posted on the website.
Committee members include Anna Subramaniam, Elizabeth Moore, Robin Meher, Emily Branson, JJ Sadler, Carole Tolley, and Robert Freeman.
For more information, contact Anna Subramaniam at subrama@purdue.edu or 49-66202.