Category Archives: Events

One Book Higher Awards 2019

During the 2019 One Book Higher celebration event held March 26, faculty, staff, and students were presented with a variety of awards that honored their contributions to the Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies and Purdue University during previous academic year. A list of the awards and award winners are below.

(L to R): Anna Subramaniam, chair of the Scholarship Committee; Sarah Merryman, winner of the Albert Viton Scholarship; and Tatum Theaman, winner of the Dorothy Newby McCaw Scholarship. The Albert Viton Scholarship and the Dorothy Newby McCaw Scholarship are merit-based scholarships that have been made possible by two generous donors. The amount of each of these scholarships this year is $2,500. The Albert Viton Scholarship was created to recognize students who work in the Purdue University Press.

The Albert Viton Scholarship and the Dorothy Newby McCaw Scholarship are merit-based scholarships that have been made possible by two generous donors. The amount of each of these scholarships this year is $2,500. The Albert Viton Scholarship was created to recognize students who work in the Purdue University Press.

Pictured, left to right: Anna Subramaniam, chair of the Scholarship Committee; Sarah Merryman, winner of the Albert Viton Scholarship; and Tatum Theaman, winner of the Dorothy Newby McCaw Scholarship.

The PULSE Award was created by the Circulation Reserve Team to recognize student employees of the Libraries and School of Information Studies. Through fundraising and with special support from Judy and Michael Humnicky, an endowment was raised to support the annual award. Pictured, left to right: Anna Subramaniam, chair of the Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Scholarship Committee, and Purdue University Libraries Student Excellence (PULSE) Award winners Olivia Crouse, Brenae Newhard, and Nicole Szumigalski.

The Amelia Earhart Scholarships are funded by an outside donor and administered through the Division of Financial Aid. Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies is represented on the Earhart Scholarship Committee in recognition of the Earhart Collection housed in the Purdue Archives and Special Collections.

Pictured (L to R): Hannah Melchiorre and Caroline Kren were named winners of the Amelia Earhart Scholarship. (Also named were Amanda Heltzel and Makayla Schannen, who could not attend the ceremony.)

Pictured are Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professor Scott Brandt and Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Assistant Professor Nastasha Johnson, who was recognized with the 2019 John H. Moriarty Award for Excellence in Library Service.

The Moriarty Award honors a Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies faculty member, and it was named in honor of John H. Moriarty, who led the Purdue Libraries from 1944 to 1970. Funding for the award is from the Richard L. Funkhouser Libraries Endowment.

Pictured, left to right, are: Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professor Scott Brandt, Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Assistant Professor Michael Flierl, Associate Professor Clarence Maybee, and Instructional Designer Rachel Fundator. Flierl, Maybee, and Fundator were honored with the fifth annual Purdue Libraries Research Award for their innovative article, “Information Literacy Supporting Student Motivation and Performance: Course-Level Analyses.”

This research has been featured at two international conferences, the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2018 Annual Conference held in Bergen, Norway, as well as the 2018 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries Conference in Chania, Greece.


Betsy Gordon Psychoactive Substances Research Archivist Stephanie Schmitz was recognized with the Dean’s Individual Award for Significant Advancement of a Libraries Strategic Initiative. She is pictured here with Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professor Scott Brandt.




Pictured are Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professor Scott Brandt and Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Assistant Professor Pete Pascuzzi, who was recognized with the ninth annual Purdue University Libraries Award for Excellence in Teaching.



Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professor Scott Brandt and Anna Subramaniam, administrator for library enterprise applications are pictured here. Subramaniam, and her fellow EZProxy Configuration File Clean-Up Team members Dean Lingley, Sue Long, Jill Stair, and April Maybee (not pictured) were recognized with the Dean’s Team Award.




Katherine Purple (left) and Bryan Shaffer (not pictured) received the Dean’s Team Award for their service as co-interim directors of the Purdue University Press before current Purdue Press Director Justin Race was named late last year. (Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professor Scott Brandt is on the left in the photo.)


Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Associate Professor Clarence Maybee was recognized with the Dean’s Individual Award for Sustained and/or Outstanding Contribution to Libraries. He is pictured here with Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professor Scott Brandt.



Rachel Fundator, instructional designer (on the left, pictured here with Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Interim Associate Dean Scott Brandt), received the Dagnese Award for Excellence in Service. This year, Melissa Waterworth (not pictured) also received the award.

The award is given annually with support from the Joseph M. Dagnese Memorial Fund. Mr. Dagnese led the Purdue Libraries from 1972 to 1989.

Poster Session Award Winners

One Book Higher Poster Session Winners 2019

(L to R, back row): Dan Rotello, Standa Pejša, Jacinda Laymon, Margaret Phillips, Heather Howard, (L to R, front row) Sandy Galloway, Dianna Deputy, Angie Ewing, Audrey Grisham, and Sandi Caldrone

This year, the winning poster sessions included:

  • Most Innovative Idea
    “Technical Standards in Business Education” by Heather Howard and Margaret Phillips;
  • Most Scholarly
    “Rough Cilicia Archeological Survey in PURR (and elsewhere)” by Standa Pejša;
  • Best Furthers the Strategic Plan
    “You Can’t Do Data Science without Data” by Sandi Caldrone;
  • Most Interactive, Made me LOL, Most Creative, Viewer’s Choice, and AD’s Choice
    “The History of LCSSAC” by Sandy Galloway, Dianna Deputy, Angela Ewing, Dan Rotello, Jacinda Laymon, and Audrey Grisham.

Check It Out! April 2019


Welcome to Check It Out!

Information about Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies’ Staff Happenings

If you have something that you would like to be included in “LCSSAC Corner” (including activities, accomplishments, upcoming events, etc.), please contact Sandy Galloway at

One Book Higher

One Book Higher Poster Session Winners 2019

(L to R, back row): Dan Rotello, Standa Pejša, Jacinda Laymon, Margaret Phillips, Heather Howard, (L to R, front row) Sandy Galloway, Dianna Deputy, Angie Ewing, Audrey Grisham, and Sandi Caldrone

The 12th Annual One Book Higher (OBH) event was held March 26 in the Purdue Memorial Union South Ballroom.

During the annual OBH celebration, faculty, staff, and student awards and scholarships are presented. The event also includes a poster session and luncheon. The poster session features works from the Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies faculty and staff from the year.

This year, the winning poster sessions included:

  • Most Innovative Idea: “Technical Standards in Business Education” by Heather Howard and Margaret Phillips;
  • Most Scholarly: “Rough Cilicia Archeological Survey in PURR (and elsewhere)” by Standa Pejsa;
  • Best Furthers the Strategic Plan: “You Can’t Do Data Science without Data” by Sandi Caldrone;
  • Most Interactive, Made me LOL, Most Creative, Viewer’s Choice, and AD’s Choice: “The History of LCSSAC” by Sandy Galloway, Dianna Deputy, Angela Ewing, Dan Rotello, Jacinda Laymon, and Audrey Grisham.

OBH, always, was a great way to communicate the accomplishments throughout the Purdue University Libraries and School Information Studies. Music was provided by our own Michael Lewis, too!  Michael Lewis

Student Employment Job Fair

Tonya Mull and Teresa Balser

Tonya Mull and Teresa Balser

Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies student supervisors group, SSG, participated in the Student Employment Job Fair April 3 at Purdue.

Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies staff set up a table to inform students of the multiple opportunities for employment within our unit. Information was provided concerning the online job site, units, wages, hours, how to apply, and the criteria for employment. Several students asked questions and have already applied! This was a successful recruitment idea and will be continued in the future.

STEW HVAC Renovation Progress

Phase IV of the Stewart Center HVAC Renovation Project is now underway. This required the relocation of personnel on the second and third floors of the oldest part of Stewart Center. Departments included in this move were: Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies administration, human resources, business office, marketing communications, and advancement (all on second floor), as well as Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies information technology division from room 363. The personnel from the second floor are now located on the first floor of the old engineering library in the A.A. Potter Engineering Center. The information technology staff from the third floor were relocated to the Research Data offices in room 174, as well as the swing space (rooms G50 and G62B) of Stewart Center. All of these departments, with the addition of the Resources Services Department, are currently in the basement of Potter  (which was moved at the beginning of this project from 364 and 370 in Stewart Center), will be moved back later this year to their original spaces. The final phase of this project, Phase V, will then be started and include the first through fifth floors of the HSSE Library Stacks

LCSSAC Members

  • Sandy Galloway, Chair
  • Dan Rotello, Vice Chair
  • Jacinda Laymon, Secretary
  • Angie Ewing
  • Dianna Deputy
  • Audrey Grisham

2018 Purdue Libraries Staff Recognition Event and Craft Show

Ayn Reineke (secretary) poses with her creations in her "Wonderland" display at the Purdue Libraries' annual Staff Recognition Event and Craft Show.

Ayn Reineke (secretary) poses with her creations in her “Wonderland” display at the Purdue Libraries’ annual Staff Recognition Event and Craft Show.

Personnel in Purdue Libraries showcased their creativity and were recognized for their service at the Libraries’ annual Staff Recognition Event and Craft Show held Thursday, Dec. 6, in Stewart Center.

Rhonda Phillips and Becky Corbin

Faculty and staff new to the Purdue Libraries in 2018 were also recognized, as were two individuals who served on Libraries’ staff advisory committees. April Maybee (library assistant, PSET div., not pictured), was recognized for her service on the Libraries Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee (LCSSAC), and Becky Corbin (administrative assistant, Purdue University Press) was recognized for her service as a member of the Libraries Administrative Professional Staff Advisory Committee (LAPSAC).

The annual craft show featured items from several individuals, as well as a food buffet, a mashed-potato bar, and hot-spiced cider (all organized by Ashley Hutchcraft, event planner). Below is the list of individuals recognized for their service to Purdue Libraries, starting with the 10-year mark (editor’s note: photos of individuals recognized for years of service are below).

Faculty and Staff New to Purdue Libraries in 2018

Faculty and Staff New to Purdue Libraries in 2018. L to R, back row: Matthew Hannah, Matthew Kroll, Danny Vukobratovich, JJ Sadler, Matthew Mudd, and Benjamin Sloan. Front row: Chao Cai, Amy Childress, Ignacio Sánchez, Danielle Walker, Angie Welshimer, Rhonda Phillips, Chris Brannan, and Sarah Rysell. Not pictured: Tiffany Eakin, Brianna Bush, Justin Race, and Kendra Boller.

10 Years of Service

  • Dacia Wiesler, Library Assistant, Access Services (not pictured)
  • Libby Wahl, Library Assistant, Acquisitions and E-Resources (not pictured)
  • Allen Bol, Library Assistant, Digital Programs (see below)
  • Katherine Purple, Editorial, Design, and Production Strategic Manager, Purdue University Press (see below)

15 Years of Service

  • Megan Sapp Nelson, Professor (not pictured)
  • Teresa Balser, Library Assistant, HSSE-B (see below)

20 Years of Service

  • Anna Subramaniam, Administrator for Library Enterprise Applications, Digital Collection Services (see below)
  • Michael Fosmire, Professor, PSET (see below)

25 Years of Service

  • Dan Rotello, Shipping/Receiving Clerk, Facilities (see below)
  • Larry Mykytiuk, Associate Professor, HSSE-B (see below)

45 Years of Service

  • Karen Fields, Catalog Coordinator, Metadata Services (see below)
Purdue Libraries Interim Dean of Libraries recognizes Allen Bol for 10 years of service

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Allen Bol (library assistant, digital programs) for 10 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Katherine Purple, editorial, design, and production strategic manager, Purdue University Press, for 10 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Katherine Purple (editorial, design, and production strategic manager, Purdue University Press) for 10 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Teresa Balser (library assistant, HSSE-B) for 15 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Teresa Balser (library assistant, HSSE-B) for 15 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Anna Subramaniam (administrator, library enterprise applications, digital collection services) for 20 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Anna Subramaniam (administrator, library enterprise applications, digital collection services) for 20 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Michael Fosmire (professor, PSET div.) for 20 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Michael Fosmire (professor and head, PSET div.) for 20 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Dan Rotello (shipping/receiving clerk, facilities) for 25 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Larry Mykytiuk (associate professor, HSSE-B) for 25 years of service.

Interim Dean of Purdue Libraries Rhonda Phillips recognizes Karen Fields ( catalog coordinator, metadata services) for 45 years of service.


Purdue Libraries’ United Way Campaign to Highlight Read to Succeed Program

by Mary Sego

Purdue University Libraries' 2018 United Way Committee -- (back row) Angie Ewing, Dan Rotello, and Teresa Balser; (front row): Sandy Galloway, Mary Sego, and Ashley Hutchcraft -- pose with the poster for the Purdue University 2018 United Way campaign.

Purdue University Libraries’ 2018 United Way Committee — (back row) Angie Ewing, Dan Rotello, and Teresa Balser; (front row): Sandy Galloway, Mary Sego, and Ashley Hutchcraft — pose with the poster for the Purdue University 2018 United Way campaign.

The Purdue United Way campaign is just around the corner! Our Interim Dean Rhonda Phillips is the chair of the Purdue United Way Campaign this year, and I am chair for the Libraries, with Sandy Galloway serving as junior chair. Team captains (now referred to as “champions”) in the Libraries include: Teresa Balser, Angie Ewing, Ashley Hutchcraft, and Dan Rotello. The University kickoff is set to start at 10 a.m. (Wednesday, Sept. 12) at the entrance of Hovde Hall, with a speech delivered by Provost Jay Akridge. Representatives in each department, school, or unit have been asked to have their own kickoff events or activities after the University’s official kickoff event concludes.

The Libraries’ kick-off event will take place at 11:30 a.m. (Sept. 12) at the Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC), room 1087. We will host a second-grade class from Vinton Elementary (Lafayette).

Our United Way team members will present them with books as part of the Read to Succeed program. We will have laptops available that morning for you to make United Way pledges on the spot and receive your posters.

Purdue Libraries' Read to Succeed - 2018 United Way Campaign

Use these vouchers Saturday, Sept. 15 at Barnes & Noble in Lafayette and help contribute to the United Way! (Right click on the image to make it appear in its own browser window for printing or downloading.)

We are the Purdue Libraries, so it only seemed fitting that we would focus on books and the Read to Succeed program. President Daniels has always supported this program, even allowing Purdue employees time away from work to volunteer.

Many thanks to all of you that donated new books to the Vinton students that will be coming to the Libraries’ United Way kick-off event Wednesday. Because of your generosity, that of family and friends, including Patty Jischke, we have enough new books to give each student two.Thanks to Bryan Shaffer and the Purdue Press, we have bags to put a plentiful assortment of goodies in, including the inspirational note written and signed by President Daniels, a pair of Purdue Libraries’ sunglasses for each student; frisbees from the Office of Undergraduate Research; Boiler Up stickers from Purdue Alumni Office; Boilermaker Special erasers from the Purdue Visitor’s Center; United Way t-shirts from Purdue’s United Way office; and various goodies from the Libraries’ United Way Team members.

Please note: We will continue to take new and/or gently used children’s books for all elementary school grades. Interested individuals can contact me or any of the team members mentioned above to arrange pick-up of books. There will also be a collection box in the hallway between the Purdue Memorial Union and Stewart Center from Weds., Sept. 12 – Weds., Sept. 26.

The Vinton Elementary students are a representative group of children who have benefitted from the program. The children’s teacher, Laura Gullion, was truly touched to be asked to come to campus to receive the books on behalf of the Purdue Libraries and the Read to Succeed program. She said it is not uncommon for many teachers to spend close to $1,000 from their own pockets for books for their classrooms and school libraries.

The United Way supports many organizations in the Greater Lafayette area. For the complete list, please see It is good to know that such a support system exists in our community and continues to help many!

With sincere thanks! Your Libraries’  2018 United Way Team