Leading the Way

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies (PULSIS) United Way team members — who led fundraising in our unit for the Purdue United Way’s 2019 campaign — were recognized for their contributions to the campaign. This year, this team — comprised of (L to R) Ashley Hutchcraft, Mary Sego, Dan Rotello and Teresa Balser (both in back row), Sandy Galloway, and Angie Ewing — led PULSIS in raising more than $13,000 — $1,700+ more than our unit’s goal of $11,865! The team also collected more than 250 books for Read to Succeed. In addition, at the campaign celebration luncheon, the team was recognized for leading the PULSIS in the highest participation rate of all mid-size units on campus.
Awards and Service
Nanette Andersson attended the workshop, “Environmental Controls in Museums, Libraries, and Archives” at the University of Wisconsin – Madison (Nov. 4-6) and received a certificate from the College of Engineering and Engineering Professional Development.
Nanette Andersson and Sarah Huber presented “A New Concept in University Libraries–Purdue University’s Wilmeth Active Learning Center,” October 22 at the Illinois Library Associations Annual Conference; http://bit.ly/walc-ila19
Clarence Maybee
- Maybee (chair), Sayyad Abdi, E., Dave, K., & Conrad, L. (2019, October). Information experience: A domain and object of study (panel). Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Melbourne, AUS.
- (2019, October). Supporting candidate’s research development: Advisors and librarians enriching researcher capacity (invited panelist). James Cook University, Townsville, AUS.
- (2019, October). Purdue Libraries’ IMPACT: A journey in collaboration (invited presentation). University of Queensland Library, Brisbane, AUS.
- (2019, October). Framing research to support career success (invited presentation). James Cook University, Townsville, AUS.
- 2019 – Delivering informed curriculum: Collaborative engagement practices (workshop). James Cook University, Townsville, AUS, October 29, 2019.
Shirley Li, Nicole Kong, Karen Hum, and Nanette Andersson presented “Applying Web GIS to Space Use Assessment” at the 2019 Applied Geography Conference in Charlotte, NC.
Michael Witt. November 7, 2019. Anatomy of a FAIR Dissertation. Keynote address. 22nd International Conference on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3531599.
Publications and Media
Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel, “Clio’s Presence, or: Where is History of Education to be Found?” IJHE Bildungsgeschichte: International Journal for the Historiography of Education (2019): 171-189.
(Note, per Professor Hérubel: “This is a large-scale bibliometric study devoted to mapping history of education research including all disciplines that feed into this specialization for the Standing Working Group: Mapping the Discipline History of Education, which I am a member. This is a component of International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE) is an academic society dedicated to fostering research and enhancing intellectual exchange and cooperation among historians of education around the globe.”)
Maybee, Clarence (2018) “The Quarterly Interview: Clarence Maybee,” LOEX Quarterly: Vol. 45 : Iss. 3 , Article 5. Available at: https://commons.emich.edu/loexquarterly/vol45/iss3/5
Zakharov, Wei, Haiyan Li, and Michael Fosmire (2019). Undergraduates’ News Consumption and Perceptions of Fake News in Science. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 19(4), 653-665. Retrieved from https://muse.jhu.edu/article/735359/summary