
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies Assistant Professor Heather Howard’s husband, Jason Behenna (left), and colleague, Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies Associate Professor Ilana Stonebraker (right), were among those who surprised her with Exceptional Early Career Award from Purdue University.
Heather Howard received the Exceptional Early Career Award Tuesday, March 19. Howard was surprised with the news while she was teaching a class in the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
The Exceptional Early Career Award recognizes outstanding undergraduate teaching among Purdue’s early career, tenure-track faculty. Recipients of the award will receive a $5,000 award with additional funds for a department business account.
Howard is among faculty in other departments this spring receiving awards from Purdue University for contributions to student learning.
For more information, visit the original piece in Purdue Today at,-harwood-honored-with-university-teaching-awards.html.
Bethany McGowan received a Professional Development Award from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region, which includes funding to attend an Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) leadership preconference and the 2019 ACRL Conference. At the conference, McGowan will join a panel presentation on leadership in STEM librarianship.
Adriana Harmeyer presented “Building a Campus Community: Connections among Students, Faculty, and Staff in Purdue University’s First Fifty Years” as part of the panel “University History: Perspectives from Purdue’s Sesquicentennial and IU’s Bicentennial” at the Indiana Association of Historians Conference February 23. The presentation will be available in e-Pubs.
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre, V. M. ; Goedeken, Edward. “University Presses and Emerging Disciplinary Configurations and Orientations: An Exploration and Discussion.” Publishing Research Quarterly 35 (2019): 39-51.
Bert Chapman‘s article, “China’s Military Power: Modernizing a Force to Fight and Win” was published in Asia Dialogue from the University of Nottingham’s Asia Research Institute.
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre, V. M. “ Recent Articles on French History.” French Historical Studies 42 (Winter 2019): 154-172.
An article partly based on an interview with Lawrence Mykytiuk appeared on the History Channel’s website February 26, 2019.
Historian Christopher Klein (in “The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists?”) quotes or paraphrases Mykytiuk five times regarding his article, “Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible” in Biblical Archaeology Review, January/February 2015. That article is openly accessible at