
Prof. Clarence Maybee received the Librarian Recognition Award from LIRT at the ALA Annual Conference June 23 in Washington, D.C. He’s with Beth Fuchs of the University of Kentucky, LIRT chair & LIRT awards committee chair.
Micheal Flierl, Clarence Maybee, Rachel Fundator, and Emily Bonem (Purdue Center for Instructional Excellence) were recognized by the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) of the American Library Association for their research article “Information literacy supporting student motivation and performance: Course-level analyses,” in LIRT’s “Top Twenty Articles of 2018” ( June 2019 newsletter). Their research was published in the January 2018 issue of Library and Information Science Research.
Clarence Maybee was honored as the 2019 recipient of the national Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) Librarian Recognition Award at the American Library Association Annual Conference June 23 in Washington, D.C.
Heather Howard and Margaret Phillips delivered the poster presentation, “The Potential of Industry Standards in Undergraduate Business Education,” at the Business & Finance Division, Special Library Association (SLA) 2019 Conference, June 2019, Cleveland, OH.
Shirley Li, Nicole Kong, and Bertin Mbongo presented “Disseminating licensed geospatial data from Geodata Portal,” at the 2019 Indiana GIS Conference, May 15-17, 2019, Bloomington, IN.
Nicole Kong and Nina Collins presented, “Understanding the Impact of an Institutional Repository – A Big Data Mining and Visualization Project,” at the 11th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) International Conference, May 28-31, 2019, Florence, Italy.
Nicole Kong presented, “Librarian as a Collaborator in Supporting Spatial Humanities Research Projects,” at the 11th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) International Conference, May 28-31, 2019, Florence, Italy.
Clarence Maybee and Michael Flierl presented “Informed learning design: A tool for integrating information literacy into disciplinary curricula,” at Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML), May 2019, Florence, Italy.
Bethany McGowan, Jason Reed, and Jane Yatcilla presented the poster session “Creating a For-Credit Systematic Review Course for Graduate Students in the Health Sciences,” May 2019, at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting.
Larry Mykytiuk presented “Hebrew Kings of the Bible Confirmed in Ancient Inscriptions from David to Jehoiachin: A Sample,” March 30; “14 People in the Book of Jeremiah Confirmed by Inscriptions from around 600 B.C.E,” March 31; and “Presentation in Response to Religious School Faculty Inquiry,” March 31, 2019, as the Scholar in Residence at Temple Sholom, Chicago, IL.
Ilana Stonebraker and Maoria Kirker presented “Architects, Renovators, Builders, and Fragmenters: A Study of Student Perceptions Change Over Time in Two Institutions,” Lightning Talk at RUSA First Year Experience Discussion Group, American Library Association Annual Conference, June 2019, Washington, D.C.
Jason Reed presented “Investigating Emerging Roles for Medical Librarians at College and University Libraries” with Alexander J. Carroll at North Carolina State University, May 2019, at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting.
Wei Zakharov, Sarah Huber, and Michael Fosmire presented “Integrating foundational data management course into STEM,” at the IOLUG 2019 Conference, “Tackling Data in Libraries: Opportunities and Challenges in Serving User Communities, in May 2019.
Tom Cramer, Mercè Crosas, and Michael Witt presented “Research Data Management and Workflows in Universities: Transforming Data to Knowledge,” International Council for Scientific and Technical Information, May 17, 2019.
Maxi Kindling, Heinz Pampel, Robert Ulrich, Paul Vierkant, Frank Scholze, Martin Fenner, Michael Witt, and Kirsten Elger. June 5, 2019. re3data – Offene Infrastruktur für Open Science. WissKom2019, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany.
Frank Scholze, Michael Witt, Robert Ulrich, Heinz Pampel, Maxi Kindling, Paul Vierkant, Martin Fenner, and Kirsten Elger. June 19, 2019. re3data registry of research data repositories: COREF. CERN-UNIGE 11th Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI 11), University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Publications and Media
Wendy Girven Pothier, Heather Howard, and Paul Campbell published “Pathways to Becoming an Academic Subject Specialist: Insights from Three Librarians,” in Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library Information Practice and Research, 14(1).
Ilana Stonebraker, Clarence Maybee, and Jessica Chapman, published, “Undergraduate students’ experiences of using information at the career fair: A phenomenographic study conducted by the libraries and career center,” in the The Journal of Academic Librarianship 45.4 (2019): 358-367.