7 PULSIS Faculty on Research Teams Funded in 2nd Round of Purdue’s Data Science Initiative
Clarence Maybee, Pete Pascuzzi, Nicole Kong (PIs); Wei Zakharov, Chao Cai, Michael Witt, Michael Fosmire
Hannah, Matt. Awarded fellowship: Fulbright Specialist, Aug. 2019. More information at
Kong, Nicole, grant awards:
- 2019 – 2020: Leveraging Soil Explorer for Soils and Ecological Training. USDA, NRCS, Soil Science Collaborative Research Proposals Notice of Funding Opportunity (NFO). Co-PI, with D. Schulze, etc. $ 52,295.49.
- 2018 – 2019: IndianaView Program Development and Operations for the State of Indiana. AmericaView program, USGS. Co-PI, with L. Biehl, etc. $23,000.
Herubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “The Doctoral Dissertation: Observations, Perspectives, Protean Nature?, Closing keynote address at the Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) at Purdue University, May 23, 2019.
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “Disciplinary Nomenclature, Specializations, and University Presses” Seventeenth International Conference on Books, Publishing & Libraries, 5 July 2019, Univerisdad de Granada, Granada, Spain.
Li, Yue (Shirley); Kong, Nicole; and Hum, Karen. Who are using ArcGIS Online? – A Usage Report of Purdue University’s AGO. 2019 ESRI education conference. July 6-9, 2019. San Diego, CA.
Angela Berthume, Jacob Carlson, Emily Chan, Leighton Christensen, Charles Ducker, Kendra Levine, Shashi Nambisan, Hilary Nixon, Steven Polunsky, Rolf Schmitt, Julianne Schwarzer, Lisa Kay Schweyer, Michael Witt. May 2019. Building a National Transportation Data Preservation Network: Detailed Proceedings. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Library, Washington, D.C.
Michael Witt (July 29, 2019). Data Publication and Management. Arequipa Nexus Institute Technical Workshop. West Lafayette, Indiana.
Zakharov, Wei and Fosmire, Michael (2019, July). Comparing the information needs of practicing engineers between online courses and workplace. Presented at 2019 Great Lakes Science Boot Camp, Chicago, Illinois.
Zakharov, W. (2019, June). Review types and methodologies: A systematic review case study. Presented at 2019 Special Libraries Association Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
Wang, C.; Hubbard, S.M.; and Zakharov, W. (2019, June). Utilizing the systematic literature review in aviation: A case study for runway incursions. Poster presented at 2019 Special Libraries Association Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
Publications and Media
Chapman, Bert (2019). “The Baltics and Ukraine: Geopolitical Hotspots.” Praeger Security International.
Dick Kawooya, Donna Ferullo, and Tomas Lipinski. (2019). Library and Information Science Curriculum in a Changing Professional Landscape: The Case of Copyright Education in the United States. Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 3(2). 1-43.
Fundator, Rachel; and Maybee, Clarence. (2019). Academic librarians as informed learning developers. In K. Ranger (ed.) Informed learning applications: Insights from research and practice (Advances in Librarianship; volume 46). Emerald.
Tracy Grimm and Sharra Vostral published “Archives as Laboratory: Engaging STEM Students & STEM Collections,” in Engineering Studies, DOI: August 2019
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre; Goedeken, Edward A., “University Presses and Emerging Disciplinary Configurations and Orientations: An Exploration and Discussion
Publishing Research Quarterly 35 (2019): 39-51.
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “Tyrannosaurus Monographis and Velociraptor Articlus : A Publishing Ecology Publishing Research Quarterly 35 (2019): 213-222.
Burrows, Trevor; Freeman, Robert S; Heyns, Erla P; Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “Humanities and Social Sciences Dissertation Bibliographies and Collections: The View from a STEM University Portal: Libraries and the Academy 19 (2019): 511-533.
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “University, College Institutional Histories, and University Presses: General Observations of a Unique Publishing Phenomenon,” Publishing Research Quarterly 35 (2019): 352–361.
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “Recent Articles on French History, French Historical Studies: 42 (February 2019): 154-172.
Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “Recent Articles on French History, French Historical Studies: 42 (August 2019): 508-531.
Phillips, Margaret, Howard, H., Valeer, A., & Hubbard, D.E. (2019). Mapping industry standards and integration opportunities in business management curricula. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship. (in press) DOI: 10.1080/08963568.2019.1638662.