In This Issue
Information Literacy & Student Performance Research Article Makes Top 20 on ALA LIRT Annual List | Faculty Publications, Awards, and Accomplishments | Summer Socializing with OUR | “Apollo in the Archives: Selections from Neil Armstrong Papers” Exhibit Open House Set for July 19 |From the Press: A Reason to Live: Q&A with Author Vicki Hutton | Passing the Gavel Back to Purdue
Information Literacy & Student Performance Research Article Makes Top 20 on ALA LIRT Annual List
“It can be challenging for instruction librarians to create sustained collaborations with instructors beyond the one-shot instruction session. The results from this study make a compelling case for why collaborating with disciplinary instructors on course design―such as working together to design meaningful assignments throughout the term―can provide benefits for students in gaining information literacy skills, as well as helping them engage more deeply with course content.” ― Melissa Harden, LIRT Top Twenty Articles 2019 Selection Committee
Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Assistant Professor Michael Flierl, Associate Professor Clarence Maybee, and Instructional Designer Rachel Fundator, as well as Purdue Center for Instructional Excellence Instructional Developer Emily Bonem, were recently recognized by the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) for their research article “Information literacy supporting student motivation and performance: Course-level analyses.” Read more…

Prof. Maybee with Beth Fuchs of the University of Kentucky, LIRT chair & LIRT awards committee chair.
Faculty Publications, Awards, and Accomplishments – May/June 2019
Featuring Nina Collins, Rachel Fundator, Heather Howard, Sarah Huber, Michael Flierl, Michael Fosmire, Shirley Li, Nicole Kong, Clarence Maybee, Bertin Mbongo, Bethany McGowan, Larry Mykytiuk, Margaret Phillips, Ilana Stonebraker, Jason Reed, Michael Witt, Jane Yatcilla, and Wei Zakharov. Read more…
Summer Socializing
by JJ Sadler, Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research

Students at the Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research Summer Social in the Co-Rec.
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) held its annual Summer Research Social in June to bring together undergraduate researchers and their research mentors from multiple programs across campus. The intent of hosting this campus-wide event is for students to connect with those outside of their research programs or areas while they are on campus for the summer. At the event, participants were able to have a pizza lunch and snack on donut bites while playing bingo and trivia. Winners of the games got to take home various prizes, such as bound journals and salad shakers, while everyone got a beach ball to celebrate summer. Learn more about Purdue OUR at
“Apollo in the Archives: Selections from Neil Armstrong Papers” Exhibit Open House July 19
The “Apollo in the Archives: Selections from the Neil Armstrong Papers” exhibit commemorates the 50th anniversary of the first manned spaceflight that landed on the moon – where Purdue alumnus Neil Armstrong took those famed first steps – and coincides with Purdue University’s July celebration of the moon landing, as well as the University’s sesquicentennial celebration, 150 Years of Giant Leaps. As part of the Apollo 11 commemoration on Purdue’s West Lafayette campus, Purdue Archives and Special Collections (ASC) is hosting an open house for the exhibit from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday, July 19. Read more…
Passing the Gavel Back to Purdue

At the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., last week, Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies Associate Professor Ilana Stonebraker is passed the gavel as the new chair of the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) of the ALA Reference and User Services (RUSA) Division. On the left is Natasha Arguello of University of Texas at San Antonio, the outgoing BRASS chair elect. The tradition was started 25 years ago by Purdue Libraries Professor Judy Nixon.

Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies Professor Judy Nixon (left), who served as the chair of BRASS in RUSA in 1995/1996, began the tradition in BRASS of passing the gavel to the new chair each year. Prof. Stonebraker discovered this when she received the gavel this year, as Prof. Nixon’s name was on the bottom of the box in which the gavel is stored. Nixon said she bought the gavel at a kiosk in the mall in Lafayette. The gavel is engraved with the word “BRASS.”
© Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies 2019
Editorial Inquiries
Teresa Koltzenburg
Director of Strategic Communication