In July, Bert Chapman served as a panelist on the “Managing the Utilization of Rare Earth Elements Across the DOD” discussion panel at the Defense Strategies Institute’s Advanced Materials for Defense Summit Conference in Alexandria, VA.
B. Chapman was awarded a Research and Scholarship Grant of $867.90 by Libraries Research Council to travel to the American Society for Competitiveness Conference on October 25-27, 2018, in Falls Church, VA, to present “The Arctic’s Emerging Geopolitics: Recommendations for the U.S. and its NATO Allies.”
Howard, Heather; Zwicky, Dave; Phillips, Margaret, “Academic Libraries Support Cross-Disciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship” (2018). Paper presented at the 38th Annual IATUL Conference in Oslo, Norway.
Phillips, Margaret; Fosmire, Michael; Petersheim, Kristin; Turner, Laura; and Lu, Jing, “Investigating the Information Habits and Needs of Practicing Engineers and University Students” (2018). Presentation at the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference.
Phillips, Margaret; Fosmire, Michael; and McPherson, Paul B, “Industry Standards for Everyone: Demystifying Technical Standards” (2018). Workshop presented at the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference.
Phillips, Margaret; Fosmire, Michael; and McPherson, Paul B, “Standards are Everywhere: A Freely Available Introductory Online Educational Program on Standardization for Product Development” (2018, May/June). Standards Engineering, 70(3), 1-6.
Phillips, Margaret; Fosmire, Michael; Petersheim, Kristin; Turner, Laura; and Lu, Jing, “How do professional engineers use information compared to undergraduates, and how can libraries prepare students and support engineers for future success?” (2018). Paper presented at the 38th Annual IATUL Conference in Oslo, Norway.
Goben, A., & Sapp Nelson, Megan. (2018). Teaching librarians about data: The ACRL Research Data Management RoadShow. College & Research Libraries News, 79(7), 354. doi:
Zwicky, Dave; Phillips, Margaret, “Inspiring Innovation with Patent Information Literacy in the Engineering Technology Curriculum” (2018). Paper presented at the 38th Annual IATUL Conference in Oslo, Norway.
Zakharov, Wei, Li, H., Fosmire, M., Traynor, A., & Pascuzzi, Peter. (2018, July). Supporting students’ self and peer assessment for writing assignments with Gradient. Presented at 2018 Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), Shanghai, China.
Zakharov, W., Li, H., & Fosmire, M. (2018, July). Undergraduate students’ perspectives of fake news in the field of geography. Presented at 2018 Great Lakes Science Boot Camp, West Lafayette, Indiana.
W. Zakharov was awarded a $2,000 travel grant from Libraries Research Council to travel to the 2018 Global Online Learning Summit in Toronto, Canada, October 16-19, 2018, to present, “An exploratory factor analysis of the online information literacy self-efficacy (OILS) instrument.”