Close to 250 Purdue University students took part in the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) Fall Undergraduate Research Exposition (Fall Expo) Monday, Nov. 12 in the Purdue Memorial Union Ballrooms. OUR officials reported 19 students delivered oral presentations, and 105 posters were displayed.
More information about the 2018 Fall Expo is available at To download the conference program, go to

Purdue University student Hollis Druhet (Purdue College of Liberal Arts) delivers a presentation at the Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research Fall Expo, Nov. 12, 2018.

Emilie Newsham (Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University) discusses her research at the poster session part of the Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research 2018 Fall Expo (held Nov. 12).

Chelsie Rummage (Purdue Polytechnic) poses with her research poster “Applying Participatory Research Methods to New Degree Development,” at the Purdue University Office of Undergraduate Research 2018 Fall Expo.

Rob St. Pierre and Caitlin Carrol pose with their research poster “Connecting the Mindfulness Construct to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry and Its Students,” at the OUR Fall Expo (Nov. 12, 2018).