Presentations, Publications, and Scholarly Activity
Andersson, Nanette. “How Active Learning Centers Design Integrates Classrooms, Libraries and Site.” SCUP Society for College and University Planning 2018 North Central Regional Conference, in Indianapolis, IN, October 2, 2018. Panel presentation with Dave Nelson, CIE and Jackie Bieghler.
Chapman, Bert: “Mackinder and the Arctic’s Emerging Geopolitics: Recommendations for the U.S. and Its NATO Allies” presentation (American Competitiveness Society Conference, Washington, D.C., Oct. 27)” (published in Purdue Libraries E-Pubs, ; and “Enhancing Your Intelligence Agency Information Resource IQ: PT. 4,” National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Intelligence University, and National Reconnaissance Office for the U.S. Govt. Publishing Office’s FDLP Academy.
Hannah, Matt. Organized Purdue Libraries’ History Harvest event for the Sesquicentennial, Sept. 21, 2018, in collaboration with Trevor Burrows; presented “Digital Humanities with a Public Face” at THAT Camp at Purdue Fort Wayne, Oct. 5; presented Visualizing Scholarly Communication” with Nina Collins at Academic Libraries of Indiana, Oct. 26; and presented “Measuring Modernism’s Style: A Stylometric Analysis of Literature” and “Aldo Giorgini, Purdue University, and the Computational Avant-Garde” at the Modernist Studies Association’s annual conference November 8-11.
Mykytiuk, Lawrence. “Real People of the Bible: What Archaeology Tells Us About David and more than 50 Other Biblical Characters.” Illustrated presentation to the Madison Biblical Archaeology Society, October 20, 2018, Madison, Wisconsin,
Witt, Michael, et al.: “Data Sharing and Citations: New Author Guidelines Promoting Open and FAIR Data in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences,” Nov. 1, 2018.
Zakharov, Wei. & Maybee, Clarence (2018). Bridging the gap: Information literacy and learning in online undergraduate courses. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. DOI: 10.1080/1533290X.2018.1499256
Awards and Grants
Nicole Kong was awarded a Research and Scholarship Grant of $1,069 (by Research Council) to travel to the Geological Society of America (GSA) 130th Annual Meeting, November 4-7, 2018, to present “FAIR Data – What can geoinformatics do?”
Margaret Phillips was awarded a Research and Scholarship Grant of $550 (by Research Council) to publish gold OA with the Journal of Academic Librarianship. (The following article has been accepted for publication in JAL: Phillips, M., Van Epps, A.S., Johnson, N., Zwicky, D. (2018) Effective engineering information literacy instruction: A systematic literature review. Journal of Academic Librarianship.)

Purdue Libraries: Celebrating Research, Oct. 23, 2018